Jolla C2 Community Phone deliveries

Also in Slovenia, but I am on Telekom network, so another tester :slight_smile:


I can point myself to be a tester in Poland

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I can run some tests in the uk

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Can test in Lithuania (tele2).

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German Vodafone Business here with 2 Sims. One very old one (“resized” several times). C2 on pre-order too.

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By the way way VoLTE works with this carrier on my 10iii pretty well. 5G too.


Thank you everybody for your interest towards telephony stack testing. We have currently covered following countries:

Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzherland and UK

Already with these countries, we should get a good amount testing with various operators & networks. Thank you!

We’d still like expand above list a bit. Few strong Sailfish OS markets that we’re lacking would be Austria, Belgium, Estonia and Sweden.

Please note that we are handling these in first come first served order (1-2 community members per country) and in some countries we have plenty of community members showing their willingness to test.


Hi Jolla

I’m willing to test in Denmark. I am on the TDC/YOUSEE network through the telesupplyer TELMORE.



I can do Austria!

(Network “Drei”/Hutchkinson, though it will always be ‘One’ for me)


Thought you’d have remembered my sign-up from IRC, but here I am: I’ll cover Belgium on a network or two (Proximus, Mobile Vikings (virtual provider), possibly some others).


Sign me up. :slight_smile:


Hi, I’d be happy to help out for Sweden, Telenor & Tele2 available and my wife uses Telia =)


No, I have not forgetten that but I just wanted to be open about this as many have not checked IRC logs.


Sweden should be possible for me as well.

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I can test in Spain and Greece on all operators and if I get the device before 20th of Sept I will be travlling in Japan, Australia and Chile. Greetings


As I can see there are plenty of testers for germany already available. Fwiw my combination of a rather old o2 sim card and my current xperia 10 iii has the infamous “sms can’t be sent”-problem while using VoLTE. So maybe it is an interesting edge case.

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I also cuold help in Austria with “yesss” (A1) as provider.

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Same here. I need the phone right now!
I don’t care if 4G doesn’t work yet unless it’s a hardware issue.

How to check IRC logs?

And, is IRC channel #sailfishos at OFTC the one we should communicate?

Ah, now I see the link: