Jolla C2 Community Phone deliveries

I think this is about payment links. I already paid but didn’t receive a shipping notice yet.

As always… we just have to wait.

First batch of C2 devices shipped out today and continues on following weeks.


Got the payment link here today, lets see about the shipping.

All the final payment links have been sent. If you have not received yours, check

  • your spam folder
  • that the pre-order is in your purchase history and is in “completed” state
  • that the email address on your Jolla account is correct

And then preferably double check those things, after which you can contact our customer care.


Got also the Payment-Link today. :+1:

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got mine also today :slight_smile:

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Today I received the link for final payment plus a confirmation. Thank you Jolla! I try to imagine how much work it is, realising a new device; investigating, adapting, customs, administrating, shipping, etc.
The payment was ‘powered by Google’, so a map appeared with the spot where I live. It’s hard to avoid this Almighty Omnipresent company.
There was no option for a cover. Is it included or can we order this later?


Also got my payment link today :tada:

It is maybe a little bit impatient, but Posti still says:

Waiting for item
18.10.2024 13:38
The shipment is on its way to Posti

Is it the same for those, who already got the shipment information?

Its weekend. These kind of things always take time in the weekend, at least where I am located.


What great news! I’m super excited that I received the payment link for the Jolla C2 today. Now I’m incredibly eager and can’t wait for the moment when the Jolla C2 arrives and I can finally set it up!


I imagine Posti will get them on Monday morning and start going through the sorting / shipping process. The notifications were sent out quite late on Friday, so likely past the point that they would’ve been picked up and/or processed.


Was your shipping information sent via email?

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Yes, I had two mails from Jolla.

Had a mail yesterday…

We’re getting your order ready to be shipped. We will notify you when it has been sent.

Giddy as a schoolgirl :wink:


About cover and screen protector…
I had the following message send for the end payment:

Did you not have the same ?


Thanks for your reply. No, I didn’t get a menu like that, only an explanation about and a request for payment. Immediately after payment a confirmation came. I had to pay E249 + 18,90 shipping cost. There was no option to choose anything. What can I do? I would like to buy that cover plus screensaver too.

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IIRC there was very limited number of covers at that time but optimistic words for later.

Thanks for reply, I’ll wait for mine and hopefully it will come soon.

I believe I was among the first ones to order, but didn’t pay immediately when the payment link came. Somwhere on the forum was a metion of first come first serve basis and this probably apply based on who paid first.

Im too :smiley:

I must admit as Im working long hours everyday don’t have much time to enjoy the life, I wasn’t that happy in a really long time like Im right now hoping for great device


Yes, the payment links were sent via email.