Jolla C2 Community Phone deliveries

Thanks for the explanations. I do not intend to further inflate this thread - as it’s counterproductive.

Sorry for not getting the yellow light - I do not want to open threads which are useless, getting out of sight.

Indeed obtaining a decision between C2 or 10V for my part essentially depends on how the bootloader-issue is being treated.

The jolla C2 is being promoted as a SFOS reference device, implementing “SFOS as it should” be.
Hence the question, which could’ve been answered quickly and accurately instead of arguing with “shitty apps” and so forth.

As just mentioned, I’ll be starting a new topic.

Thanks for the moderation. Appreciating this.

This was off-topic, problem is solved. Folding original post.

As such, you had a good question. You could ask @rainemak to break it out to a new thread (I believe only mods are allowed to do this).


Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy… I got the email!!
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Me too, yesterday evening. Ordered in May.


Lucky you! (20 chars)

Back to topic: I received my order link, but it only supports credit card payment.
I do not own a credit card. Can I pay it with PayPal somehow?

Best regards


I wrote an entry in the old TJC forum.
The gist is that there are 4 ways an app can start on its own on android.

Autostart when android starts

This is controlled with the Sailfish settings app.

click Settings app → switch to Apps tab → select the app → use the " Allow application background service to start on bootup " checkbox (Needs to be off to prevent autostart).

This will prevent the app from autostarting whenever Android App Support is started.


Apps can automatically start to show an alert pop-up (if you set some alarm clock thingy inside your app, e.g., a game reminding you that your crops are now ready to harvest or whatever). You need to access the Android settings to change that (either you can use the “Open Android Settings” button in the App’s settings, or there’s a patch called “Launcher icon for android settings” in the Patchmanager Webcatalog)

click Settings app → switch to Apps tab → select the app → click the “Open Android Settings” button
then from the App’s Android settings → click Notifications
in the notifications setting, tweak to your wishes.

click Android Settings app → select App & notifications → select Notifications → scroll to the section titled Recently sent
tweak to your wishes

This will prevent applications from autostarting a showing toaster alerts about in-game events, google maps showing alerts about traffic in your area, etc.

Google Cloud Messaging (push notifications)

Whenever an app receives a push notification from the network, the app can start to fetch that network message and act up on it. (e.g.: somebody writes you a chat message, so the Google’s cloud pings your phone to tell that there’s a chat message waiting for you, WhatsApp auto-starts, retreives the chat message and displays it) (or: your bank wants you to click on their 2FA app to confirm an transaction, so Cloud pings your phone, the 2FA app starts and you get the “Please confirm” pop-up). The purpose is to avoid every single app on your phone wasting battery by constantly probing their server for updates, instead everything is centralized through the push notification system.

This can only be controlled if you use microG, as far as I know the proprietary Google Play Service don’t let you configure that.

click microG settings app → select Cloud Messaging → select the app.
You can tweak 2 settings:

  • Start app on push message: You can then select if the app is allowed to autostart to process alerts from the internet when they arrive, or if the alerts will wait until you manually start the app.
  • Allow registration: If the app is even allowed to receive alerts from the internet.

If this function isn’t turn on (your didn’t even install microG), chat apps might not immediatly get chat message but only periodicaly when they directly contact their server, sometime only when you bring the app into focus.
(Usually I allow WhatsApp and the banking app, and kill everything else).

Share suggestions

Whenever you hit a Share button in an Android app, in addition to showing you a list of apps which can share that media type (e.g.: all chat apps can share JPEG photos) like when you click Share on SailfishOS, on Android some apps can auto start and generate a list of suggested share (e.g.: WhatsApp will suggest your top most frequently used contacts).

AliExpress’ shop absolutely loves this function and constantly autostarts whenever you hit an android share button.

I have not found a way to disable this, except either using the SailfishOS share option (doesn’t trigger autostart) or manually kill autostarted application (e.g.: in Crest)

TODO: move this to a Wiki or add to the one @flypig created with the microG howto.


I have also received an invitation. Since I can’t/don’t know how to coordinate several apps that are important to me (due to Bluetooth) and several other apps, I decided to skip the C2 purchase. Since I’ve been trying to support SFos since the First one, is there anyone willing to use my discount coupon to buy a C2? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Maybe discussed elsewhere : what are your thoughts on missing 5G in the new C2 device ?

Personally I don’t care, in most places I am LTE is 150 Mbps, even if less, on phone it’s totally enough in my opinion.


I second that + 5g power consumption is significantly higher, so I would probably switch to LTE anyway

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A colleague of mine working (in the European Commission) on 5G tech, noted that 5G is about smarter energy management overall. Does this not apply to the device/receiver, on average, as well, compared with older generation networks ?

5G is about using as much frequency bands as possible to transmit as much data as possible, the faster the better. And of course, with low latency. And everything interconnected, i.e. IoT, V2X, etc.

The aim of the standard is mostly to optimize the used resources as much as possible with the final aim of reducing resource usage, i.e. optimize the battery usage of the devices.

Having said that. 4G is more than enough for me.


5G is anticipating on a higher need for energy when digital possibilities will expand. At the same time 5G will use this energy more efficiently, they say. Marketing? Indeed ever faster, ever more. I am satisfied with Jolla C2 having 4G.


It is mostly marketing since there is almost no difference for the end user, except the fancy 5G icon on the screen of the phone.

In fact, I am sure that we will never see a decent V2X deployment, at least in Europe, due to the lack of business case.

The number of antennas and base stations that would have to be deployed in combination with the added costs to the vehicles will never be justified over the advantages which is supposedly offering.

In closed environments, e.g. factories, campuses, ets. it will be surely viable but not for a complete deployment in a city or highways.

It will be more interesting to see the developments in the case of remote (IoT) locations in which a lot of devices still work under GSM.

Having said that, C2 having 4G is mooooooooooooore than enough.


My old X10 also has 4G and data speed is also enough for me, BUT: Will C2 support VoLTE?? Thats the question and not ‘does it support 5G’. Without VoLTE the phone switches back to 2G, that is no problem as long as 2G still exists. But it becomes a big problem as soon as 2G is shut down by providers to use the frequencies for more profitable 4G/5G.


I would not worry too much about it. Implementing VoLTE is purely a software thing and thus if not available from scratch, I am pretty sure that it will be activated sooner or later (hopefully sooner).


In this thread, rainemak was writing about the state of Volte implementation for C2 and there is a first batch of C2 being send to Volte testers in different countries across Europe. So yes it seems the Volte calling will be there.

About the 5G battery consumption what has to be taken into consideration is a real-world situation. In case of 5G you will probably have a worse coverage compared to LTE in many areas and due to higher frequencies used the signal is going to be attenuated more indoors. The weaker the signal, more energy is consumed by the modem


They asked for test volunteers and got them. There 's a video about such call on their channel. My guess is that they just need to test different configs for different providers.


Xperia 10 V got 5G, right? If so, I for one welcome it. My rural 4G mast at home has become weaker as of lately assumably for reasons not related to my current phone, and also in the denser areas the network feels like getting jammed during the rush hours like I think 3G did back in the day.