Jolla browser defaults to bing even after selecting duckduckgo

HARDWARE: volla22/gs5
UI LANGUAGE: english


I removed
Starting the browser recreated all the files you’d expect. However, setting the search engine does not work.

Examining the prefs show that duckduckgo is in fact selected. I’ve just repeated the exercise and have goole as search engine. Sigh.


Browser is very slow. Attempt to remedy by reset (get rid of cookies, history, etc).


  1. Remove ~/local/share/org.sailfishos/browser/ folder
  2. start browser.


The setting for search engine actually leads to use of said engine.


I end up on Bing or google!


It’s a volla22 with 4.5, developer mode. Two patches from nephros which are not relevant (QML patches in views). Meecast with event view is installed as is situations.


Just ‘cause’, I went to settings (which were being ignored) and used the
‘Clear browsing data’ button (killed everything).

Now the settings work. what the …?

I guess that’s a solution?!? So where if not in .local or .config does the data persist?

EDIT, ok, I’m wrong. The setting for start page (ddg) now works, but searches STILL get sent to google.

Oh, dear.

Ok, something more fundamental is wrong with this phone. Ignore this.

Before I even read this I was going to suggest to check in ~/.cache if the browser caches data in it. I guess this did that.

That’s the odd thing. I did look in .cache/org.sailfish/browser but that folder was empty.

There is a dconf tree at


which seems to configure this.

Ah! thanks @nephros I was wondering if maybe a dconf operation (package upgrade) might have screwed up the dconf tree.

Not much difference as ddg is just bing results in the end (with promised anonymity kek), what would be cool is a search engine that filters web2.0 giants by default, all those private webpages/blogs are now deeper than googol/bing page 20, then ppl complain how internet got smaller, shame gigablast died, it was the last of old engjnes with proper db and not just lipstick on googol/bing
Fravia was right


Holy shit another disciple. It has been a while since I heard that name!

Sorry for OT but I just need to ask - for months now I have noticed that certain users keep getting upvotes/likes from “(unknown/deleted user)”.

This is explainable if their post is older, and the upvote/like is older, but often (as above on throwaway69’s post) it’s quite fresh.

What’s up with that?

Thank you in advance and let’s hope I’m not causing an uproar here. Keep it cool.

Well, in a world full of so much replicated information, it’s been clear for years that you need to choose your sources. In a pinch, I ask someone who has a clue.

For some kinds of information, perhaps a bit like Fravia, I’ve been hoarding docs since they tend to disappear. I have a large CMOS datasheet collection from TI, since they (had) extensive application notes in there specs until recently. They’ve ripped out all the good educational bits and replaced it with packaging info. I’ve thought about publishing it, but I don’t have the time.

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