Hello there!
As there are many microtube users, and microtube often unfortunately stops working, people have trouble reporting bugs and I have trouble fixing them if I don’t even know its broken (I don’t really use microtube), hence I thought I’ll create this thread.
Here I’ll prompt if I’m aware that microtube is down and you can prompt me if something in microtube breaks. I hope for feedback because, again, I don’t use microtube so I never know if its broken. If I know its broken sooner, I can fix it sooner.
So please, notify me as soon as something, anything, breaks, not just video playback!
Oh and yes its broken right now
Thanks for opening the thread. Currently video playbacks don’t work with forbidden errors. Also it does not load videos of some subscribed channels.
Subscription download works perfectly. When playing a video, the following message comes from Microtube: “forbidden”
Yeah like I said its broken right now
Youtube’s fault, waiting for js libs to update
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New version of the js library was just released, microtube will update to it on launch and its now working again!
After resycing all my subscription, it seems I can play videos now.
But is download function still available? It always ends up to ‘failed’.
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I will check it
Microtube has so much functionality that its not possible for me to check everything 
Does jupii integration still work for example? xd nobody knows!
Why don’t you use microtube and what is your main phone now with what os?
My main phones are Moto G2 and X2
I watch youtube on desktop I have no reason to watch it on a phone, tho on my new tablet port its sweet still no reason to
Seems to be dead again, but not on all videos