Introducing: MHordekAI, an AI image generation app, and more

Sorry not the model, the OG choice between alchemy/scribe etc, just like with being locked in rating mode, I’ll have a look, this should be pretty ez modification of just not throwing away initialpage from stack

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Got ya.

Yes should be easy, just replace replace() with a simple push().

It’s possible though that the initial page (mode selector tile thingy) doesn’t work right when it’s shown again, not sure.

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Thank you! I think it was really only the Enter vs. focus-thing. Now when I explicitly hit enter, I can’t reproduce this behavior while just switching focus away triggers it.

It seems impossible to validate an API key with underscores in it.
At least, if I remove them from my API key I can validate it with the enter button of the keyboard but of course the user is not found…
However, the button is not usable as soon as an underscore is in the text field and the field description becomes red.

Thanks for reporting this. I was not aware keys could have underscores.

Will fix soonish, but definitely after the weekend at the earliest.

As a quick fix you can comment out line 47 in SettingsPage.qml ( the one that starts with validator:).


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New version: Beta 4 - 0.4.0: Scribe Chat

Main Focus to make Scribe into a chat app.

Please chat with the AIs, and I do know that it’s working far from perfect - suggestions on how to better deal with the responses and Chat Memory are very welcome - right now I’m mainly inspecting what does and badly try to replicate it.

Still, Adventure Mode can be fun for a bit.

Have fun trying out some scenarios, and if you wish you can submit PRs against profiles to add some more.

Upcoming releases will focus on Dream again, with exciting additions such as support for searching and applying LoRas and Textual Inversions, which can tremendously alter the generated images.


New version: Beta 5 - 0.4.7

As promised, focuses on Dream again.

Highlights include a “Prompt Enhancer” dialog, where you can add LoRA and Embeddings to the prompt. You can now also use a basic touch-based editor to paint a mask over your image source, to use it in Inpainting.
Predefined image sizes should give better results now.

There are also some new Scenarios in Scribe, and reworked Interrogation interface in Alchemy.

Some areas of the UI have been reworked, hopefully for the better. There is an optional image Slideshow for the cover.

In theory you can also rate your own generated images now, but this feature is currently disabled in the Horde (See #54).

Also, some internal plumbing. One of those is a move to LocalStorage for saved prompts and the job queue. While the migration of existing data should be done automatically and has been tested, there is a risk of losing it if something goes wrong there. IF you think you have something very valuable in the queue or stored prompts, please take a backup of these dconf keys before updating:


The Codeberg page also features a Wiki now.

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Heh. I’m still anti on this front but you’ve led me to qt5-qtdeclarative-plugin-qmlstatemachine which is pretty cool! Thanks @nephros !

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Ah yes, came about that one when doing La Dit Dah, which uses it more extensively (don’t know about well).

What is that?!!

I’ve tried the aihorde app. I think I enjoy earning kudos, but I didn’t see prompts for the images?

As for telling the computer what to draw, well, I guess I’m just too much the guasch on vellum guy. I need either chalk / charcoal or a pen like object to get drawing. And my drawings are as weird as any from the ai :slight_smile:

And, I noticed you can’t get out of the kudo geneation screen once there?

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Well, the idea for the app is you can launch multiple instances of it, so you can do the Kudos rating in parallel to waiting for an image to be generated, or chatting, without having to navigate around within one app window.

But maybe that idea is too unusual and I’ll just do the back navigation, as you’re now the second veteran SFOS user to notice/wish for that (see above).

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Yes, that’s just how the Horde rating system works. Rating is to improve the LAION dataset, and images should be rated aesthetically without context (a prompt).
There is also another rating system, where you can rate your own generations, but that feature is disabled upstream currently (because of storage costs).

La Dit Dah is a pointless Morse app you can find on Chum, and above I have linked the sources.

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Nothing pointless about that! Thanks! EDIT: I think when sailing on the open Baltic, it could be very handy to have a morse app to communicate with ships, just before sinking.

Well, yea, and you don’t need working ofono or LTE for that.

BUT of course my app is a toy, not an emergency tool.

I do recommend using the ‘blink the whole screen’ feature instead of the camera flash if you actually want to communicate over a distance. It’s probably brighter overall.

Well, it beats trying to remember the morse yourself and turning the light on and off with a button :slight_smile: Is there a forum page for La Dit Dah? didn’t look like it.

Ok, I misunderstood that. How does expressing a random (from the vantage point of the universe) aesthetic reflex improve a dataset?

Don’t think so, no.

It was motivated by some Telegram comment a while ago, and I went ahead and wrote something,but didn’t feel it was worth announcing here.

Not too sure, but there’s some posts about it:

It’s an app with a reference to “The Machine Stops.” (E. M. Forster 1909) … that’s worth an announcement in itself :slight_smile:

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