Install apk fails ... ** command "unzip" not found (

I tried to install an apk. Failed with and the error message "** command “unzip” not found "

What am I doing wrong?


Which device? Could you provide the apk? On my side, unzip seems to work correctly.

That’s the error message that appears because of Sailjail when trying to preview the contents of an archive file using an old version of File Browser (older than 2.5.1) from Jolla store.

To install a package, you have to use the pulley menu and select “install”. (You probably tapped the file icon or swiped right from the file details page.) Installing should work even with the version from Jolla store.

I recommend to update to version 2.5.1 from OpenRepos.

Unzip does work correctly on SFOS 4.4 but it is not available for sandboxed apps. File Browser uses external commands for some file previews (and for calculating folder sizes).


Hi everybody,
got the same problem.“unzip not found”
Xperia X, fresh flash with SFOS 4.4, F-Droid works.
Install apk not possible with filebrowser 2.5.1 from Storeman from ichthyosaurus and not with intern file browser (settings → memory, swipe → choose filebrowser) , don’t even have the option to install with internal file browser.
Who can help
Cheers Alex

When using file browser, do you select ‘open’, or ‘install’?

BTW- “installing” an apk in Android just means moving the apk to /data/app, which yes could do manually…

There’s also apk installer apps, and apkd install from Android terminal, etc… (But, I must admit I’ve been out of touch with Aliendalvik since a few updates ago, so maybe some issue I’m not aware of…)

thanx for the answering. With file browser I only have the option “install” .
Thank you for the information about apk. I will give it a try with apkd.

Works like a charm with apkd-install , great!


I have Issues installing Threema and F-Droid on (Xperia X)
Failed with the error message "** command “unzip” not found "

I have File Browser 2.5.1. from OpenRepos (Thx @ichthyosaurus !) directly

when I try apkd-install Threema-.apk I receive the following error:
method return time=166270352.318500 sender=:1.254 ->destination=:1.356 serial=19 reply_serial=2
boolean false

Anyone a clue?

Try installing unzip if it is missing:

devel-su pkcon install unzip

Thanks for that obvious solution.

It’s actually not a solution. APKs mistakenly being seen as ZIP files makes it look for unzip and not apkd-install which is more likely what you actually want to run/do.

As I said above: unzip is only used for the file content preview but installing uses a different path. If sideloading is enabled in the settings, installing should work fine when selecting “install” from the top pulley menu after clicking on a file.

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