Incoming voice calls don't get rejected / hangup (same bug via the UI and programmatically)

Actually, based on my tests it seems to be even more complicated than that.

Without the patch applied, if I call my XA2/SFOS 4.3 (or Jolla1 OS 3.4) from the iPhone 6s (both phones with Polish T-Mobile SIM cards), the call never gets rejected and always comes back and rings again after a few seconds, and only if I reject it another time it eventually terminates with “quick busy” error tone.

But if I call my XA2 (or Jolla1, both still without the patch) from Nokia Lumia 920 (Windows Phone 8.1, also with T-Mobile SIM card, i.e. same operator as above) then the call DOES get rejected right away, but still with that “quick busy” tone rather than being forwarded to voicemail as it should. I tested it literally dozens of times, always with same results.

So it is not only the network/operator, but additionally also different phone models react differently.

Anyway, with the patch applied, no matter what network and what calling phone model, the call ALWAYS gets hung up and transferred to voice mail, just like it should. So the patch is a 100% fix and I guess that it’ll be useful for everyone and should be officially included in the OS, it’s just that some people haven’t yet had an opportunity to try to reject a call originating from a specific operator and phone model (i.e. that specific combination that trigger this bug) and that’s why they haven’t reproduced this problem yet. But one day they will.

Can´t be reproduced here with Sony X Compact. Sailfish OS 4.3 with german

For completeness of information, please always also mention the operator and brand/model of the calling phone, as these seem to be what triggers this bug. In other words, this issue seems to occur only on calls from specific operators (specific network configurations) and the behavior differs (either no hangup, ringing again and the need to reject another time, or just a “quick busy” error tone) depending on model of the calling phone…

The Calling Phone was Snom M25 over LAN (VoIP). Operator is Deutsche Telekom.

@dcaliste did you make any changes between the first build of the patch you provided a week ago and the recent ones you shared 3 days ago?

Because the first build (the one you already removed) works perfectly fine, while the new build DOESN’T WORK.

After upgrading the OS to on my XA2 Ultra I reinstalled the first build and it worked fine. Yesterday I decided to replace it with the newer build you shared, and it turned out that it DOESN’T WORK (it behaves like without the patch, calls don’t get rejected and ring again). Going back to the first build of your patch made it work 100% again…

Sorry, I may have done a mistake when applying patches for the various versions and recompiling . I actually remember messing up with version, checkouting again… I’m now in the mountain for one week with very limited Internet connection . I’ll check and recompile next week.

@dcaliste, no problem at all! The first build works just fine, and that’s actually all I need :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I just thought that you might have done some further changes in the newer build, and that it’d be useful for you to know that it stopped working.

Have a nice stay in the mountains!

Hello @wetab73, I’ve updated the file for version 4.3.0 armv7hl. The above link is still available, but the file it points to should be with the patch now. Tell me if you have any trouble with it.

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Hey @dcaliste, YES, it works perfectly fine now. Thank you very much!

Somebody who can reproduce the problem please take an ofono log (with Ofono Logger) and send the tarball to me or someone else at Jolla.

Hi @slava, I will take a log for you tomorrow. Should I send it to the same email address as previously? BTW, did you get the other log from MMS Logger I sent you two weeks ago?

Yes, please send it to the same address. I did get your MMS logs but was very distracted recently :neutral_face: sorry about that.

Thanks for looking into this. I’ve sent you the logs I gathered in February when investigating the issue.

Hey @slava,

I’ve just sent to you two tarballs for comparison: one taken with the original ofono package using HANGUP to reject calls (which doesn’t work for me and causes the call to come back and start ringing again after a few seconds), and the other one with ofono patched by @dcaliste using HANGUP_WAITING_OR_BACKGROUND (which works perfectly fine for me, i.e. rejects the call and forwards it to voicemail, just as it should). I hope it helps!

Hi @dcaliste, is it safe to install the version you built for 4.3 on the new 4.4 OS? Or does it take a new 4.4 specific build? If so, can you please make it? Thank you!

No, you should not use the packages compiled for 4.3 in 4.4. Various things related to Ofono have changed in between and you would probably create issues by downgrading part of the stack with the patched versions.

I’ll compile a new package when 4.4 SDK will be out.


Oh, I see. Thank you for letting me know! I guess I’ll hold on with the OS update then, in order not to lose the correctly working call hangup functionality.

Thank you Damien for your continued help with this!

Hi @slava, sorry for bothering you again, but I just wonder if you managed to find something interesting/useful in those logs, and whether there is any chance that the patch that @dcaliste made (that fixes this issue for me in 100%) could make it into the OS?

As far as I can see in those logs, without the patch the call actually occurs four times - twice as Call ID no. 1 and then twice as Call ID 2. With the patch applied, in the second log, there is just one single occurence and the call gets hung up right away…

P.S. Additionally, as I wrote in this thread, there is also another ofono-related problem that affects functionality of applications to automatically reject unwanted calls, like Phonehook or the app that I made for my own use. Ofono is very slow with processing the call hangup and often it takes it long enough for the ringtone to already start ringing for a second or two (and sometimes even the UI appearing for a fraction of a second, too). From my observations, it happens very rarely on 3G, but almost always on 4G (probably the switch from 4G to 3G delays things sufficiently for the ringtone to start ringing before hangup). Can it be optimized/made faster in this regard somehow?

P.S. 2 I’ve also tried to silence the ringtone first, before calling hangup, using

QDBusMessage m = QDBusMessage::createMethodCall("org.nemomobile.voicecall",

but it doesn’t seem to work at all.

Here is a version of the Ofono RIL plugin recompiled with the patch as submited in the PR above:

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Thank you @dcaliste!
I was holding on with the 4.4 update because of this, so now it is time for upgrade.
I will report if it works OK asap.

EDIT: I’ve read that currently Patchmanager doesn’t work on 4.4 and I’m way too addicted to some patches (including some made by myself) to lose them, so I guess I’ll hold on with the 4.4 upgrade until (hopefully) someone makes Patchmanager work on SFOS 4.4… So it’ll take some more time before I can test this patch…