Include USB OTG Ethernet adapters' modules into Sailfish OS kernel

Are there any chances that Sailfish OS will support USB OTG Ethernet cards? They works at hardware level, they establish a link, but there aren’t any eth neither in dmesg | grep eth or ifconfig.
It is useful to connect phone to the wired network in some cases, e.g. troubleshooting wired network, configuring switches and routers, etc. Android supports OTG-Ethernet adapters from 6.0.1.
It’s not necessary to add some additional settings into GUI - it will be enough if an eth card could be configurable via Terminal.

Discussion on TJC -

We’re investigating what we can do to support loadable modules for external devices using USB. No promises yet on ethernet adapter. However we expect to support USB keyboard to begin with.


This seems to have been included on the Xperia 10 II at least.
Now if i could just figure out how to make it acquire an ip address on the new eth0 interface…

Edit: some combination of editing /etc/connman/main.conf to have ethernet first in PreferredTechnologies and doing connmanctl connect ethernet_<mac_address>_cable seems to make it usable from the phone - but it does not respond to ssh (and neither interface responds to ping :confused:)

Hello Attah, “it does not respond to ssh” but the internet connexion is working ?
What does " doing connmanctl connect ethernet_<mac_address>_cable" mean ?
As a command line ?
I’d like this ethernet otg working :slight_smile:

I can’t replicate the results now; ethernet just isn’t showing up at all, and i don’t know what to poke at.
Yes; the internet connection was working with both WiFi and Cellular off.
And also yes; monospaced implies shell command.

Sorry to dig out such an old thread but i want to report that on a XA2 this is working on SFOS
I am using an usb-c ethernet adapter from TRONIC and what i had to do was

  1. open up a terminal (you have to enable developer mode first to get the terminal app of course)
  2. devel-su followed by the password you set in dev mode options to login as root
  3. edit /etc/connman/main.conf and

remove “usb” from NetworkInterfaceBlacklist = …
add ‘ethernet’ to the end of PreferredTechnologies = …

  1. systemctl restart connman
  2. connmanctl services → you will see all your services there (wifi,vpn and also one named ethernet_mac address of the usb adapter_cable
  3. connmanctl connect ethernet_xxxxxxxxxxxx_cable (copy paste this service name from the result of step 5)
  4. ip address show → verify the usb0 connection has got an ip address

I prefer nano as an editor because i am not masochistic enough to use vi. (pkcon install nano)
Oh and you have to disable wifi and mobile internet to use it or else you could try to change the order of the connections in step 3 after PreferredTechnologies =

Edit: indeed the interface is not responding to ssh and ping - i’ll dig into that on the weekend maybe
→ found something in /etc/connman/firewall.d/
00-devmode-firewall.conf seems to restrict ssh to wifi