Are there any chances that Sailfish OS will support USB OTG Ethernet cards? They works at hardware level, they establish a link, but there aren’t any eth
neither in dmesg | grep eth
or ifconfig
It is useful to connect phone to the wired network in some cases, e.g. troubleshooting wired network, configuring switches and routers, etc. Android supports OTG-Ethernet adapters from 6.0.1.
It’s not necessary to add some additional settings into GUI - it will be enough if an eth card could be configurable via Terminal.
Discussion on TJC - https://together.jolla.com/question/64081/request-jolla-tablet-usb-ethernet/
We’re investigating what we can do to support loadable modules for external devices using USB. No promises yet on ethernet adapter. However we expect to support USB keyboard to begin with.