Impossible to install Predictive Text Input

In that case, do a export LANG=en LC_ALL=C at the start of the terminal session and the outputs will be in plain English.

yep, the repo is missing. I know I can add it via ā€˜ssu arā€™, but I canā€™t find the URL anywhere. Would you mind sharing it?

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Thanks to @chazaq @nephros and @pherjung or the valuable input, and to @ohnonot for the comic relief.

These steps did the trick:

  1. Add the xt9 repository with the information provided by @chazaq (subsituted armXX for aarch since itā€™s a different architecture), as the repo was missing from the local configuration as pointed out by @nephros
  2. Used pkcon refresh && pkcon install zypper && zypper install feature-xt9 as suggested by @pherjung
  3. Then installed Predictive Text Input from the App store (since the previous steps didnā€™t really do the trick). Now the feature is present. I am marking the thread as ā€˜solvedā€™ accordingly.
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Well, now the issue is why this repository has not been added once you enabled your account.

The question now is how did you activate the paid licence? Nice, is that you list all steps you did from the flashing one to the activing your account.

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I didnā€™t flash the OS myself - I bought a used device with a free license, then logged in with my personal account which had a still unbound paid license since the days of the early x10ii release. In other words, I had purchased the license months, if not even years, before I purchased the x10ii itself and, most importantly, at a time in which there was no predictive text input for the X10ii yet.
So apparently, the combination between:

used/already flashed device + ā€˜lateā€™ activation of a paid license + UI language change might have triggered the (apparently not seen before) edge case. If you (or anyone else) are interested in more info, I would be glad to provide more details or even do a live session - just send me a private message on the forum.

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