I want to block a range of phone numbers and phonehook doesn't work for me

I’m recently being regularly called by an automated range of ‘call and hook’ number.
They call, you pick up the phone and they’ve hung up.

I want to block these calls and I’ve heard phonehook can do the job.
But when I enter a number in the call blocks section, it’s not saved.
And the ‘start daemon’ button isn’t doing anything.

The user nemo is hard-coded so
ln -s /home/defaultuser /home/nemo

  • disable Sailjail in the .desktop file
  • stop Phonehook (pkill phoneh)
  • start Phonehook
  • start the daemon

Use wildcards when blocking - I block 100 numbers for each unwanted call.

My SIM is in my XA2 so I can’t verify if Phonehook actually works in 64-bit Sailfish, but at least the daemon is running.


I haven’t done any coding in Sailfish in a long time, so it’s…

devel-su ln -s /home/defaultuser /home/nemo

and then how do I disable Sailjail? Which .desktop file?



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