I need help: my phone is not recognized by PC

Hello, guys; I want to reinstall android in a phone (f5121), to sell, but that phone isnt recognized to my PC.
I always use this PC to do this tings, and never had problems.
An details is that this F5121 wasn’t charging normally. I does need to put phone of, and press volume UP, until a blue light apear, to can charge.
Anyone have some tips? Thanks in advance.

You should try with another USB cable and another USB Port.

For flashing some phones can’t deal with an USB3 port on computer side, work only with an USB2. In this case it’s necessary to switch an USB hub with USB2 port between the PC and the phone.
For flashing I always do so, otherwise flashing is not possible.

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Then it might be a good idea to fix your phone’s USB port first and then continue with the flashing process ?? :slight_smile:

Guys, thanks for your answers, but I tryed it all. I tested 3 differents USB cables, and 4 USB Ports - that worked a 100% in others phones, but don’t in that F5121. I tryed change all USB ports from USB3 to USB2, following this Jolla tutorial (https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012031854-Flashing-Sailfish-to-Xperia-phone-fails-Troubleshooting-). And, well, i can’t fix my USB port problem… for THAT I’m here, asking help.
I mentioned that battery charge problem because it was fixed after a reinstalation, what means that the problem isn’t in hardware, but in software. But, after some time, the problem returned, and now I can’t reflash phone.
Other detail: the phone don’t stop in “green light” mode, but looks like in a cicle, changing light from red to green, and retourning to red, and again.
Thanks in advance

Silly question; have you tried charging directly from the mains?

Yes. The phone initiate a loop process, showing repeatedly a message about choose what I want to do: charge, developer or moving arquives. But don’t charge battery in any that options

Maybe I wasn’t clear enough : I meant ordering a spare USB port/connector and replacing it inside your phone :wink:

I have seen people do it succesfully for some other phones so it shouldn’t be very hard to do as a DIY repair!

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Well, it’s a good idea. But how this looked like a software problem, I was trying to solve it in software side. But if aren’t anything to do more in software side, perhaps I don’t have another options beside to try the hardware side.

Thanks you all for the help

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