How to use wifi in emulator VM

Hi out there,

I’m trying to build my first SFOS app at the moment. Therefor I would need internet connectivity for my SDKs emulator (Qt Creator 4.15.2 (Sailfish SDK 3.7.4) - emulator SFOS

When I try to activate the emulators wifi, it tells me “Hey, WLAN is disabled”. Clicking “Enable WLAN” doesn’t do anything.

In system settings under WLAN it tells me “Networking is unavailable. Please reboot”.

Can anyone help me out, please?

The emulator uses the network from the host in NAT mode - which means it doesn’t directly access the WiFi hardware. The internet connectivity should just work. You don’t have to “activate the emulators wifi”.

Thank you very much, vige! Obviously there’s no way to check the internet connectivity within the emulator (unless within an own deployed app or by opening “Web view” in the pre installed “Components” app)…