In short, I don’t like any government being in control of my personal timekeeper. Also, I want to disable summer time altogether, but to my knowledge, there’s no such option in the Sailfish Settings app.
I tried running “echo ‘Zone FST 2:00 - FST’ | zic -” as root and including a reference to the newly created FST (Finnish Standard Time) file in both and at /usr/share/zoneinfo, but selecting the new timezone in Sailfish settings doesn’t actually change the setting; it just keeps the previous value.
Right now, I’m using another country’s timezone because I found one that stays at UTC+2 all through the year (Egypt), but that’s really not a solution at all.
I have no problem applying the custom timezone on my Linux desktop using timedatectl, it just doesn’t work on Sailfish using the Settings app. I don’t know if you can use timedatectl on Sailfish Koli, the tool doesn’t seem to come preinstalled and I couldn’t find it in the default repositories so I can’t really test it.
By the way, I also want to make Android apps on Sailfish adhere to my custom timezone. Are there any extra steps to accomplish that?