How to edit the open with menu when opening a link?

Did you ever find a solution? I updated from 3.4 to 4.5 and now I’ve got the same issue, just with even more entries.

(The issue is not related to Tidings…)

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Found the solution: the apps “Piepmatz” and “Fernschreiber” created desktop files that were not removed after uninstalling the apps. Manually removing these files and rebuilding the cache fixed the problem for me.

cd ~/.local/share/applications

# remove entries for deleted apps
rm -vf open-url.desktop  # duplicate Browser entry
rm -vf harbour-fernschreiber-open-url.desktop harbour-piepmatz-open-url.desktop

# rebuild the cache
rm -vf mimeinfo.cache
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/