How much work is it to port Sailfish OS to an Android device?

With proper aosp implementation (pixel is their jolla c, reference device, you submit a bug and they fix it) pretty much all these gps/bt/power issues should be gone (unless of course big G decides to sabotage graphene and sfos kek)

I trust they will do it since they have the capacity, but I’m not sure if it will be possible from both sides.
Jolla is working with Sony for about 9 years now and with the 10 line for 5?
So many issues left unresolved so I am not sure if a completely new device would be great.
I would be very happy if that was the case though.

As NoviSoul, I had, since first version of Sailfish, ponder the decision made. Hardwarewise, I love the Xperias, minimalistis and reliable as no other. But I understand it has been always a minor player in the market. Now, with a Pixel, I despise it everyday I touch it… bulky, unreliable scanner, camera notch, but, as mentioned it is the only one mentioned with an alternative OS and that covers the new US frequencies.

Once thing NoviSoul mentions… and most others, is that going for the Xperia 10 has been a mistake… we are enthusiasts and we are willing to pay for OS freedom. Now, I disagree that Samsung (let alone Google Pixels) should have chosen. I mentioned one to Gael (/e/ founder) that he should had focused in Xperia 5 line since it has that unique aspect that justifies the premium price, bootloader accessible and bands for EU and US.

Finally, and big mistake by Fairphone!!) keep the phone small! Privacy enthusiasts also like small factor phones… keep them under 5.8in… Seriously… It would have been a hit! Also… less processor and more daily matter as waterproof and notification led.

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No; much like what is now happening to you - i had a hard time believing that and went double-checking.
Unlike when people on here have been complaining about Xperias, he has been correct.
One hack was apparently to buy from Google Germany but shoehorn “Schweden” into the address.

Here is a random thread from the first page of google results:
They even go into reshipping, so things must really have been dire.

I have no problems buying from Amazon, especially for hard-to-find items. That’s the second place i’d have looked.

You repeating “proved(sic) wrong” does not make it so. Even the whole last year is basically completely invalid as a measure for what should have been done historically (not a lot of releases, remember?) - and not yet in any way a guarantee for how the next will turn out.

So exactly as pedicted the guy complained about walk-in shops, bought from UK next day, muh EU unavailability kek

I was having my full on privacy enthusiasm phase just fine with 6.5” devices a few years ago.
People that don’t use their smartphone much as a smartphone want smaller devices, noting to do with privacy.


Oh and guess what, the guy you posted complained 1 day after announcement of pixel 6/pro, wonder which phone he couldn’t order literally the next day as he forgot to mention (and managed to buy literally the next day with complaints about nov delivery date)

Nothing will come out if the OS alternative is based on google hardware. We need as much independence from that - and currently this means only Alliance members that still allow unlocking bootloaders so we can develop competing products because they CAN’T, as a condition of being part of the Alliance…

Of course, the better option would be to source our own hardware, but well:-)


Not really sure, in order to install graphene you have to unlock bootloader, or is there something else outside of OEM unlocking you mean? (from quick look it seems, some carriers sell variants that require internet connection for OEM unlock, but that would be exactly the same issue as with graphene, so what does alliance have to do with that? Lineage also supports all pixels, sooo…)

It is also the case for the Xperias, the 10iii (for example) it is not officially sold in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal. See first sentence on the description page in the country version of Sony website.

(I love the Xperias, I am not advocating for a change)

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The founder of the Alliance explicitly forbid other OS developments from other vendors. If you rely on said founder to access alternative OSes you have been warned. Clearly their plans are the opposite of open.

To the point, yes, OEM unlocking is possible now. Nothing prevents Android X+1 from mandating the opposite, just as they requirements on partitions, modules and bootloaders of the members’ releasing with the next Android. Just peek through the number of "devices launching with Android " on, random sample, this page: Generic system images  |  Android Open Source Project and note the number of “must” uses. I’m pretty sure there is internal OHA documentation with early “must” warnings, we just read it when it is out and some devices already “must’ve” figured it out.


And VoLTE seems to become a problem in Portugal. No Sony in

Sorry missed your reply previously, but yeah, if company X (googol, or IBM) is big bad wolf, but also provides best supported drivers and actually responds to issues on github for their reference device (unlike least paid B team on some third party hw manufacturer that gives no *** about their aosp delivery, see echo issues), why wouldn’t you use that hardware after stripping all their spyware from it? Do you really expect them to have HW backdoors? Or go for M$ way How MS played the incompatibility card against DR-DOS • The Register that would be absurd nowadays

The alliance is HW manufacturers alliance, there’s samsung and lg there, as pointed above those are not really supported by lineage or /e/ etc, it seems unrelated, jolla is not part of the alliance, they offer flashable images, like lineage or graphene, noone cares about 2005-6 thing, with wikipedia article not even being updated past 2011, it’s long past gone, you can unlock bootloader on pixels just fine, so really not seeing your argument

My argument is about the future. I know I can unlock the bootloader on a Pixel now. I just consider it a honeypot and couldn’t care less as they wouldn’t care less to put the cap on it. Today our only escape hatch is HW manufacturers from the alliance leaving bootloader unlockable, except the Pixel manufacturer.

I don’t understand what future you see, all manufacturers close bootloaders but Pixel shows them “how its done” and still keeps it open?

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But the thing you posted was the honeypot:

The OHA was established on November 5, 2007, led by Google with 34 members,[1]

As part of its efforts to promote a unified Android platform, OHA members are contractually forbidden from producing devices that are based on competing forks of Android.[4][5]

to this day not sony, not lg, not samsung released device with proper linux drivers, and it doesn’t even seem that relevant as ports of SFOS to proper linux driver based devices like pinephone are also… not ideal. And who cares if pixel 9/10/11… just release a proper port using good drivers without sony botch-jobs for current device, not even need to wait 6 months for sony so you can get it instantly
edit: like literally, sony xVI releases tomorrow, jolla can start their work on it… in 6 months maybe, maybe 9, pixel 9 releases tomorrow, they can start working on it tomorrow, if pixel 9 has some legal loopholes to stop jolla, then they don’t (google would also be killing lineage and graphene and e/os/ and myriad others, our sfos rage will be miniscule), who cares, you’d have a properly working device in 8 by now, being afraid of what googol might do is rtarded

This is so upside down I can’t even, OHA forbids them to provide any other OS (linux is fork of android I guess?):

As part of its efforts to promote a unified Android platform, OHA members are contractually forbidden from producing devices that are based on competing forks of Android.[4][5]

You are glorifying the part of the alliance that is actually google’s anticompetitive clause that gifts them (hw manufacturers) 0$ android licences (for sticking with android), you should be against it, not for it, or am I taking crazy pills

But the OHA (Open Handset Alliance) is dead since 2011!?!

Or do you mean “we” can only trust devices by companies who were part of the OHA, who still allow for unlocking the bootloader (13 years later)?
BTW, for which devices this is true besides Sony’s Open Device Program devices (and the Google Pixel devices)?

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How is Google making money from the Pixel Project? They don’t have the sale numbers of Apple/Samsung/Huawei/Xiaomi or any obscure chinese manufacturer. Developing Tensor, their own processor, cost alot of money. And hey, they let bootloader open :). So either are in the Jesus business and try to save the world or…I let your imagination fly here.

There is an old project (no updates since 2021):