How is the restoration of a Backup from MyBackup supposed to work?

I’ve read in the comment section at open repos that all kinds of stuff should be restored when reverting to a backup created using @slava 's MyBackup app.
For me only very few things like contacts and SMS were restored (that should already be in the regular backup) - I suspect that the reason for that is the change of user name from nemo to defaultuser.
Is there a way to restore everything in the backup to the new user (I am particularily interested in my 2FA-Keys in FoilAuth)?

I would say that exactly because of the user name change, you’ll have to extract the backup file and restore whatever you need manually.
I think there is also a symlink workaround, somewhere in forum.

nemo was replaced with that was released 13th October 2020 if you flashed 3.4 or later, this is not the issue.

MyBackup stores its data in the backup tarball under MyBackup/data/users/<uid>/

As long as uids don’t change (and luckily the transition from nemo to defaultuser didn’t touch uid) the username shouldn’t make any difference.


I guess it is important to first install all apps that had their data backed up before, and then use MyBackup to copy back the databases.

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