Hopes for support of Sony Xperia 10 VI

I ordered an Xperia 10 V, but in their infinite wisdom, the company I purchased from sent me a 10 VI instead. Shipping it to me was difficult enough, and now finding an option to exchange it for the 10 V might be even harder. If I don’t find an option to exchange it, does that mean I’ll be stuck using Android for the next two (or more) years?




As you are aware, there isn’t full support for IV/V yet. And this was kind of rushed into community.
I see option for supporting VI in 2026/2027. But this is only my estimation.

Sorry for beeing direct. Difficult process with shiping means nothing agaist whole company to produce an image for 10 VI. I would really like to see it as well, but right now jolla is playing all the cards with C2, 10 IV 10 V not mentioning mind2 and other automotive projects.

Don’t exchange, return it, and buy again with creditable source

Contact me via PM, maybe I’ll be able to help with getting 10 V

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Also, the first thing that needs to happen is support to appear on

Supported devices and functionality | Developer World

As long as Sony doesn’t do this there is no chance for a port, official or otherwise.


I’ll probably try doing something like that. The lengths I go to ditch the bloat…

Also, thanks for the offer, but I’m in Russia, which is also why it’s a hard quest. Brand new 10 V is actually more expensive than 10 VI, if you manage to find a store selling them. Yep, sure, if I am so inclined the simpler quest would be getting Aurora OS, but it doesn’t gain my subjective trust at all, they’re a much less open ecosystem.


It says here “announced”, even if I haven’t found any announcement… GitHub - sonyxperiadev/bug_tracker: Empty repository that is used as a bugtracker for Open Devices project

As always, we don’t even have 10 IV/V and those have been “opened” by Sony how long ago?


My 10 vi stands ready!

4nm efficient chipset, 8GB mem, cheaper price, lot to like.


but i’m glad it was rushed so i can daily drive the 10V. yes the camera isn’t working and no android support and i have to guess how much charge the battery has, but otherwise it works really really well.

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Hopes? Jolla has no choice other than port to more phones as they sell licenses to generate income. That means as many different phones they possibly can. Hopefully can Jolla generate income by selling the upcoming Xperia IV/V licenses so that they can continue with VI.

If Jolla started an app store things would be much better for them financially.


i just hope that the late launch of both the 10iv and 10v as well as the C2 doesn’t push 10vi support so far to the right that it’s no longer being widely sold before Sailfish support arrives!

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10vi is on sale and specs look really good, I hope it will be officially supported soon, no idea what Jolla wants to do with low specs C2.


It looks like Sony is refreshing their lineup every year in spring, so basically one new device to implement each year, if Jolla wants to support every model. The 10 IV and 10 V seem to be pretty similar in specs (same SOC), this probably helps bringing out support for both models at once.

Still, the situation is a bit unfortunate, it is always a bit of a gamble if you want to be sure not to run out of device.

  1. Should I just buy the next gen device and put it aside in the hope it is supported when I need a replacement?
  2. Should I buy a second device of the supported model I already have and put it in storage, just in case my phone breaks down or get lost?
  3. Or do I feel lucky and hope I will be able to get a replacement in time, should the need arise?

I went a little bit overboard and opted for 1 and 2, but I understand that not everybody is able or willing to put a new device in storage as a backup.


just buy yourself a second-hand 10mk3 and be done with it


In Amazon Germany a third party shop sells 17 brand new Xperia 10III. That phone is fully supported :slight_smile:


I’m surprised 10 V is not in the list of maintained devices.


Just an update. I managed to sell VI, and buy the V. Those two deals made me lose about 100$ more. I am a stubborn person sometimes.

Thanks to everyone for the advice


That worked for me when my X broke, when the antennas of my XA2 degraded and it will surely work once my 10 III will break. I never had any problems getting a new device.

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Oh, i forgot that creating a hotspot doesn’t seem to work. That actually bothers me a little bit.

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where do you find guides to these community ports, please?

That is not a community port, it’s a port by jolla. It’s linked in the latest release notes