Hi everyone,
My students are in their last steps to finish the specifications and mockups for a new Health app for SailfishOS, and will start implementing a first version (with an ETA for late November/early December).
I’d like to share a few updates with you along with the first few mockups they designed. Don’t hesitate to give your feedback, but be aware the course is not about a programming course per se, nor a graphical design one.
The code will be released as open source and I’m hoping the community can take the student’s version and refine it to a finished software for SFOS.
Main features:
- Track health metrics
- Track medical conditions (illness and medications)
- Track vaccines
- Track nutrition (calories and water)
- Meditation (music sessions)
- Track menstrual cycles
The app will have multiple user profiles.
Mockups can be found here (multiple groups are working on the app, each group developing a part of it, so expect some inconsistency for now, including in languages): https://www.figma.com/file/Dt0IDP18Rod2Itx3kjTuP9/Health-SailfishOS