Heads up regarding Sailfish Forum discourse update

Heads up,

We’ve scheduled discourse update for Sailfish Forum to happen during November. Target is to have 5.0 release (including ESR 91) published before that so that Sailfish Browser continues working with the Sailfish Forum.


Sounds good!
Looking very much forward to SFOS 5 with ESR 91 browser


Is there any option to update only the browser on a SFOS system (Xperia 10), using pkcon/zypper? I don’t want to update an - apart from this - perfectly working and heavy customized (tweaked) phone!

Considering people have been doing that during testing flypig’s work, I’d say technically possible if you can get a hold of the correct RPMs.

You could follow the install instructions, but get the packages from elsewhere (a SFOS v5.0 armv7 repo as the X10 is 32bit).

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Does that mean, change the link in step 1 of @flypig s instructions to an address where the 32 bit tarball is?