I’ve been recently paying around with the HabitSailor app by Jeremy Farnaud. This is a native SFOS Habitica client which allows you to manage actions and goals in a fun, game like manner. It also has the huge advantage of being able to share actions, to-dos, habits, etc across all your devices as it syncs with a Habitica server. At present there seems to be no other native SFOS action/To-Do management app that can do this. Although there are ios and android Habitica client apps available, the android one actually working on SFOS App Support, Jeremy’s native app is a model of clarity and simplicity (as are most SFOS apps) when compared to the rather cluttered UI of the official apps.
I don’t know if Jeremy is still around, but the last update of this app was over four years ago. It still works very well, but sadly only on 32-bit SFOS phones - so I can use it on my XA2, but not on my more modern Xperia 10 iii.
It would be a pity to let such an excellent native app die, and would be really nice if either Jeremy or another SFOS expert in re-packaging (e.g. @poetaster perhaps?) could pick it up and at least recompile or repackage it for 64-bit architecture. I have no idea how much work there is to do this, so I am just putting a friendly request out here to see if anyone is interested.