GPS stopped working

The later version by Direc85 has bar graph.

Its not very useful compared to colour in my opinion. - too many sats


OK 2 days has passed.
Restart phone. GPSinfo on for 20mins inside, no fix.

Outside 4mins to 3/39
6mins to 7/53
back inside, fixes holding with 6 or 7 sats.

btw device adaption


Just go to settings (pulley menu in main view) and set ‘show empty channels’ to No.
You may also define ordering by signal strength

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I was not aware of the new version because Storeman mixed it up with the one by Balta. Downloading it now.

Yes that does make it more useful thanks.

So yesterday I went walking in the bush - light not heavy density bush.
GPS hadn’t been on, last fix was the day before.

Turned GPS on at the start of the track. Getting ~6 greenish sats all the way.
Walking for 30mins with no fix until I came to a bridge and had clear sky view. Then it got a fix after ~3mins, and kept lock for the rest of the walk in the bush at ~8sats.
Showing 20sats with signals in range 25-15 (per bar graph), when under the bush cover.

Today: Turned Puremaps on while driving (i.e. phone inside car). Got a fix after 3 minutes. It was tracking OK, but I only used it for 1min after it got a fix. (i.e. by the time it had a fix, I had almost arrived), I also noticed that the position shown until it got a fix was a random position along previous travels, and definitely not the last fix position.

I’m using an XA2 running and the time to GPS fix it pitifully slow, much slower than I was used to with the Xperia X.

Two to three minutes and longer to a fix isn’t really acceptable especially when you want guidance in your car or to record an exercise activity. It needs to be like other devices which are usually very quick to get a fix

I had put the slowness down to the withdrawal of the Mozilla location services. Perhaps that’s not the case after all.

I’ll try them both side by side tomorrow to get an accurate idea of the time difference and whether or not the lack Mozilla services has affected the X. The Xperia is still running

I am noticing that the GPS takes long to get a fix even with lots of satellites in “green” state. I fear this is a hardware flaw or a bug in the GPS firmware. In any case, I cannot think of an easy fix.

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There are no issues with GPS upon my Xperia X F5122 running and even wondering whether newer AlienDalvik upon XA2 series has broken something. Incidentally no issues with XZ3 running “rinigus” port.


I’d be interesting in knowing why you think AlienDalvik might be the culprit?

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It’s hopeless with my XA2+. I tried every modus (location on device, adapted loc.) but nothing worked. Not in Here, not in ModRana, PureMaps, neither in Magic Earth. On my Jolla 1 it is the same: Maps doesn’t work anymore. Please Jolla, can you fix this in the next update?


@Kea Try this:
Go outside where you have clear sky view. Not under trees etc.
Start GPSInfo.
Within a few seconds there should be a bunch of satellites, and at least 6 green ones in a few seconds, but it continue to have 0 used and no lock.

Stay outside, running gpsinfo, with the display on.
It took ~11minutes for me to get lock the first time.

If you keep running for another 10-15mins, the number of used sats will increase from the initial 6 to 10+

Subsequently it seems to be ~1-3 mins to lock.
I think it has old stale data if it hasn’t had a lock for a long time.

When running Puremaps, it often does not get a lock when the phone display goes off. I was running PM , cycling under clear sky, and it didn’t get a lock in 1hr after I started PM (but display was off), but then got lock in 2min when I kept PM onscreen.

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This is most definitely an issue with the XA2 GPS hardware, firmware or middleware.


With Android installed there’s no problems.

And in my experience gps also works better for a while after flashing Sailfish if you have had Android installed before. But nobody’s verified this. It would be intresting if somebody could try this. Maybe it’s just an coincidence.

Thanks. I tried this before, got satellites with GPS-info,made a screenshot . This did not improve the overall working. Maps should find my location quickly. When driving, I can’t wait for satellites to appear. What I am reading in the subject about we need to start from scratch, flash again. Don’t like that at all.

With Android installed you have A-GPS, and with Mozilla A-GPS there was no problem too. You should check if there are problems with AOSP installed, if possible.

I’ve been using Here maps for driving through the country for a few weeks now on an XA2 Plus and it’s been good. Getting a fix can take a few minutes but after that it is OK.

This is on updated from Rokua flashed using the v16 Sony vendor binary images on Android 9 (I think it was Android 9!).

Has Jolla acknowledged this is a problem?
There is clearly something wrong


I just noticed that, when the GPS is enabled, its position (without a valid fix) corresponds to a place where I have been in the past, but no later than about three months ago. It would be interesting to know who is retaining this position, and where.

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I have noticed that GPS info shows the last or an old satellite constellation until a valid position fix is done, and this may last a number of minutes and in this time the sat position display of GPS info may change or disappear.

After many minutes it comes then in a correct way. It’s depending of how long the last pos.fix is in the past.

If there is no sat in the zenith but all sat’s lower than abt. 45 degrees over the horizon, pos.fix takes extra long time.

Good news concerning GPS on my XA2: GPS works again after bringing the device back to Torronsuo. Satnav Magic Earth worked well during driving, with GPS on the device on only and without mobile internet !!!