GPS Navigation that works

Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t mention that I never use any sort of TTS. Especially when navigating I prefer a quiet map with some arrows on it.

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Yes, that menu just bugs out. Never used it before on this phone. I’m on

Rebooted(I did restart App support earlier, that didn’t work) my phone, and installed eSpeak as well. Not sure what did the trick, but Google TTS, sSpeak and RHVoice are now working :face_with_monocle: and Here Wego seems to produce sounds now…
Lets see if navigation works as well.

Ah good to hear, also suffered from some odd Alien Dalvik issues of which some are resolved in .13, so my next tip was to update your SFOS; but if it’s already working then awesome! :partying_face:

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Yes, normally I would have upgraded, but I saw that there were some regressions from .11 to .12 so I decided to wait.

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Is OSM Scout too simplistic for you? Works well for me.

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I really can’t, I know nothing about this.

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It’s great for walking(better then most if not all Android apps for that I would say), but not really suited for car navigation(for me) for long trips.
I want to look at the road, not at my phone screen, and get reminded of stuff I need to do to get to my destination. Preferably it needs to reroute automatically if there are traffic issues or roadblocks.
When I’m in my car with my kids and wife, and need to drive for 8 hours(like next week when we go on a road trip) minimal, I’m not going to waste one or two hours extra because of me missing exits on the highway. It’s difficult enough already :smiley:
Pure Maps does 90% of that, but there are times I feel the need for a backup GPS navigation app.

I use Nunav Navigation. Its an Android App.


Same here. I need navigation, some guidance that gives me hints so I can have my eyes on busy roads and I need it for taking the right direction in a dense highway network.
MagicEarth always works fine on my old ipadmini cellular without a mobile connection and also on my Vollaphone without sim, offline.
On my XA2plus with Sailfish however not one satnav works. Location on, but no GPS. I tried MagicEarth and OSMand. I can download maps with MagicEarth, but my position is not located.

Is Here API (nice for routing and traffic) into Pure Maps also not working anymore?
I’m using it a lot and it works really good (at least until 1 or 2 weeks ago).
You just have to ask a Here API key.

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try Google Maps / Komot, Android Support Crash after some Minutes using - #8 by St.Boom, this allows android apps to access gps freely as long it is turned on on XIII at least (with opengapps, but maybe microg hijacks them while pretending to be gms? worth a try)

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Just did a quick test: Here WeGo(latest from Aurora store) seems to work with Android TTS installed.
It didn’t in the past(but back then the old one from Jolla store worked fine).

Installed it, seems interesting. German company.

Tried it again recently on my XA2 plus with the latest system update. No navigation with HereWeGo neither with MagicEarth. I get a route, that’s all. Both can’t find my location, while I can see a few satellites active in the GPS app. Tried it with different modes of GPS, but that doesn’t make any difference. I gave consent to MLS but I wonder if this still is functioning.
With the Jolla 1 Here worked fine. Since Jolla ported to Sony, maps and navigation always have been troublesome. That is why I still take two devices with me when I am driving: one phone with Sailfish and sim, the other an old iPad mini cellular or a Volla phone, both without sim, yet navigating reliable.

My Xperia 10 lll works with OSM Scout, Pure Maps crash. Android apps I haven’t tried. I use as much I can Sailfish apps.

Pure maps en latest HereWeGo(with Android text to speech installed) works fine on X10III. Used them a lot last few days.
Magic Earth doesn’t work, no GPS after a few seconds.

Are you sure you’re not experiencing the old XA2 hardware degradation issue? If you get a fix in decent time no navigation will work.

Sorry, I don’t know what you mean by ‘the degradation issue’. I updated the device to the latest release, but that can’t be the only reason it doesn’t work, because Here and MagicEarth never worked properly on the X, XA2 and XA2 plus. Always issues with GPS.

Some XA2 had hardware issues with GPS antennas.