Hey all,
Was very curious about getting a wearable up and running in SFOS and was reminded about the AsteroidOS project, which seems to have a SFOS app called Starship.
“Seems” was the key word there, since apparently Starship doesn’t have any releases on Github (anymore?), so even though it’s present in Storeman, I can’t get it installed that way.
There was a clue in the comments in Storeman about it needing this first: [GitHub - GitHub - AsteroidOS/asteroidsyncservice: A synchronization daemon for AsteroidOS watches on SailfishOS and Ubuntu Touch.
However, it’s unclear to me how I can install that, as it says installing it is only supported on Desktop, not SFOS. It’s also unclear how to install Starship after that, since I haven’t found any documentation whatsoever.
If you could help me piece this stuff together, I’d be more than happy to write documentation on both those projects on Github, because at the moment it feels very puzzling…I did install AsteroidOS on a Huawei Watch W1 and it’s quite neat, but would love to also have connectivity
Thanks in advance for any help!