Gecko ESR102 development

This is a thread for gecko ESR102 development. Currently the development is not yet completely public, only the known changes for embedlite-components and sailfish-browser have been pushed to github, to sailfishos-esr102 branches. The gecko-dev repo changes still need a bit of cleanup before I will push them to github.

Current development status is that all patches have been applied and gecko builds but some parts of the patches still need fixing (mostly the theme support but probably also other thing can be broken but which can be only tested after rendering websites works). That brings us to the biggest issue left which is the rendering pipeline in the embedding part of the code and possibly also changes to patches are needed. At the moment browser does start but fails to render webpage content to screen but in debug log it can be seen that the webpage is there and when scrolling the content it tries to draw it but nothing happens.


Thx for sharing! Building & starting is already cool.

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Fantastic news.

Per my build swarm question for ESR91, is this aspect described anywhere? How are y’all working and compiling this repo these days - some (or most?) change builds taking hours like flypig’s experience was is certainly unsustainable, right?

I currently just build it on my laptop using 8 build threads, at this point it’s very rare that I have to do full rebuilds (because all patches have been applied) so I can just do relatively quick partial rebuilds to test my changes.


We could try to use the new sailfish os issue tracker GitHub - sailfishos/issue-tracker: Issue tracking repository for Sailfish OS

This way we’d have all related issues / tasks visible in one place.

For certain process related things we’d still need Bugzilla.