Gallery Overwiev | some pictures thumbnail not shown correctly

Hi all,
I have a strange behavior of the gallery app on my wife’s phone. Some Pictures are not shown in the overview, but instead there is an “info-icon”:

(“Ups, the thumbnail can not be displayed”)

When I click on the icon, I see the following information:

(“Picture could not be load. Maybe it has been deleted or access is not possible”

When I have a look at the information “i-button” I can see the following info:

Obviously the path is not correct. But when I plug the phone to a computer, I can see the pictures and the path is ok, too. After a reboot, some pictures behave normal again, but some others do not anymore.

Has someone seen this behavior on his/her phone? I on my never till. For me, it looks like if something goes wrong with the indicating process.

Phone is a 10iii with latest OS-Updates.

A few weeks ago, i switched the storage location of the camera app from “intern” to “sd”. Maybe it is related with that?

I am happy for any hint!

Best regards,


edit: looks like related to
In my case no WhatsApp installed, happens with photos taken with the cam on the phone. Will try to solve temporally with utils and report here,

edit2: I have cleared the media database with Utils. The effect is, that the defect thumbnails disappeare, they are not repaired! The original photos are still on the sd-card. I will try to take the card out of the device, reboot, shutdown, put it back again and see, what happens.


For now, I could solve the problem.

  1. Shut down the phone
  2. Take the sd-card out of the device
  3. Reboot
  4. Clear media database using utils
  5. Shut down
  6. Insert sd-card
  7. Wait, until pictures from sd-card are listed in the gallery-app

The problem is, I do not know what is causing the problem. Due to the fact, that there is a temporal correlation between shifting the storage location from internal to sd and the thumbnail problem, it might have something to do with the sd-card, maybe the writing speed or so

So if it occurs again, I will try another sd card.

I think it’s enough to simply reset the media database by Sailfish Utils. Had similar behavior some times after shifting, deleting or copying new pics from computer to phone, resetting media database did it.

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As I wrote in the first post, unfortunately in my case a simple deleting of the database using utils did not help, because in this case the corrupt thumbnails just disappeared, but were not repaired.