Gallery and Media on x10ii

As i write it yesterday, i flash my x10ii :slight_smile:

I just take my µSDcard that was in my XA2 and put it in my x10ii

With Files, for example, i can read all folders and files. This encrypted card (luks) was perfectly recognized.

All my pictures and musics are in two folders : “/Musiques” and “/Pictures/Camera”. Or impossible to view any pictures in Gallery or listen some music files in Media ! I try to clean data base of indexation several times with utilities but without success :frowning:

And i have the same problem with Signal that found any pictures or files on the µSDcard

Thanks for your help

I understand that the graphical command for the reindexation of databases in Utilities is broken again.
I find the solution here : Index for media files & documents not updating
I did this command in a terminal as a simple user :

tracker daemon -k

tracker daemon -s

I think that Jolla must reopen the bug (i have an X10ii under 4.2)

All pictures are reindexed. For Media it seems more long. I will see this evening or tomorrow morning.

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