Full Backup of Android-things on XA2


I am trying to find out, which way is best, to make a full backup
of the Android-things on the phone. Of course, connection with ssh and
some Shellscripts.

It a little bit confusing, witch directories are important to save.
I don’t want to forget some important things.

Maybe there is a howto for this anywhere?

To make a snapshot of the aliendalvik container and also some
directory saving is enough?

The goal is to make a backup once every half an hour, and then testing
some apps in Android. And if something is terrible wrong, i want to go
back in time to last stable backup.

Sailfish OS (Kvarken)
[ro.product.system.model]: [AlienDalvik on Jolla Devices]
[ro.product.model]: [Xperia XA2 (AOSP)]
[ro.product.name]: [aosp_h3113]

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One folder I know is ~/android_storage with it’s whole content. That’s all I could find.

my sdcard
lxc.mount.entry = /home/defaultuser mnt/media_rw/8ff87de4-0b37-4799-b09a-82773e869e07 none bind,ro,create=dir 0 0

** user homedir**
lxc.mount.entry = /run/media/defaultuser mnt/media_rw/alien_external_storage none rbind,rw,create=dir 0 0

lxc.mount.entry = /home/defaultuser/android_storage data/media/0 none bind,create=dir 0 0

I read something, that for now there’s only one User with Android (nemo/defaultuser)

@tombln Checked it right now, changed to ‘trinity’ (the other user) with running Aliendalvik. As ‘trinity’, my android apps are not available. After changing back to ‘nemo’ , Aliendalvik had crashed and it’s no more possible to start it again manually.

edit: a complete reboot of the phone was necessary, but now it works fine again.
It seems to be necessary to shutdown Aliendalvik before a user change to avoid a software crash.

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Not really necessary to restart the whole phone.
you can use the terminal to restart it: systemctl restart aliendalvik

but you re right, it is not possible to tap on restart in settings.