French AZERTY keyboard with arrows

my device crashed recently and I had to reset it completely. Before the incident, I had an azerty French keyboard with arrows, very convenient. Now I’m unable to find it in the repositories (only a very weird “French qwerty w/arrows”). Does anyone remember where to find it?
Currently running SFOS v4.4.

I can suggest to use one of my layouts: Multi Keyboard Layouts | — Community Repository System
I have an improved French layout with some cool additions, including arrows.

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Thanks. That’s what I’m using currently. I miss vertical arrows, maybe I didn’t search carefully enough.
EDIT: also, the (horizontal) arrows aren’t visible on the small screen of the Jolla1 phone. Strangely, they do work, provided you know they exist.

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Is also use Multi Keyboard Layouts. Works well.
But if you achieve to find the one with vertical arrows, I’d be interested to try it.

I tweaked my french layout and replaced 2 emojis with the up and down buttons. You can modify the content of sobek_frn_me.qml and you should get the up and down arrows:

Basically, replace the CharacterKey line for 2 with:

FunctionKey {
        icon.source: keyboard.inSymView ? "image://theme/icon-m-up" : ""
        implicitWidth: punctuationKeyWidth
        background.visible: false

        showPopper: !keyboard.inSymView
        separator: SeparatorState.HiddenSeparator

        onClicked: {
            if (keyboard.inSymView) {
                MInputMethodQuick.sendKey(Qt.Key_Up, 0, "", Maliit.KeyClick)

        text: keyboard.inSymView ? "" : "2"

        Text {
            text: keyboard.inSymView ? "" : "2"
            color: Theme.primaryColor;
            font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeLarge
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

And the line for 9 with:

FunctionKey {
        icon.source: keyboard.inSymView ? "image://theme/icon-m-down" : ""
        implicitWidth: punctuationKeyWidth
        background.visible: false

        showPopper: !keyboard.inSymView
        separator: SeparatorState.HiddenSeparator

        onClicked: {
            if (keyboard.inSymView) {
                MInputMethodQuick.sendKey(Qt.Key_Down, 0, "", Maliit.KeyClick)

        text: keyboard.inSymView ? "" : "9"

        Text {
            text: keyboard.inSymView ? "" : "9"
            color: Theme.primaryColor;
            font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeLarge
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
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Tkx. Will do so if and when the new Sfos4.4 permission management allows it. Not possible at the moment.