Forgot PIN...reflash? New licence needed?

Hi there, I bought a licence last year for my aging Xperia XA02. I turned it on again after ages and it seems I have forgotten the PIN (which itself is very strange for me).
What i found out, the best (and only) way is to reflash the device, which I find not veryyyyy userfriendly.
Since I bought in July 2023…do I have to buy another license also?
Do I have to reflash the certain Android-version to reflash SailfishOS?

You may want to consider bruteforcing your way into the phone:

Proper encryption is the only way to keep your personal data safe, if you lose your phone or it is stolen. I do agree, that users could be given the permission to not encrypt their data.

If you reflash your phone, you just need to login to your Jolla account. No need to buy a new license.

You don’t have to revert the phone back to Android. Just download the Sailfish OS image and Sony software binaries and place them in the same folder. Then you can continue from the step 6 onwards: Installing Sailfish X on XA2 using Linux - Jolla


Thanks a lot tuplasuhveli. Worked perfectly!

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Oh yes the category…you are right…I am not familiar with the structure here so I thought would be fine, until an admin moves it to where it should go :innocent:

After reflashing enter your credentials from your existing Jolla account into the field asking for this at initial setup. No new licence is needed.

Thank you. I panicked a little bit since I saw that jolla changed to a subscription plan.

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