Flashing fails on Xperia 10

I have followed the guide up until the point where I am supposed to execute the .bat file. When I do the file runs for a while until it hits this error:

C:\Users\ghett\OneDrive\Desktop\New folder (2)\Sailfish_OS-Jolla->fastboot.exe -s QV710PSD1T boot fastboot.img
Sending ‘boot.img’ (170 KB) OKAY [ 7.404s]
Booting FAILED (remote: ‘unknown command’)
fastboot: error: Command failed

ERROR: Failed to execute ‘fastboot.exe -s QV710PSD1T boot fastboot.img’.


Please go to https://forum.sailfishos.org/ and ask for guidance.

To me it sounds like the device doesn’t understand the command but I am unsure as to what I can do about it.

May I ask you why did you ignored that sentence:

Please don't delete this template as it will be used in automated processes.

because I don’t even know if this is a bug or not, or if it is even related to sailfish os. I did not want this to show up in some automated queue.

You need write access on the usb and there are problems with usb3 ports, i had to use an usb2 hub to make it work…

I have it on a usb 2.0 port.
the full log is as follows:

This is a Windows flashing script for Sony Xperia X device.

Power on the device in fastboot mode, by doing the following:
1. Turn off your Xperia.
2. Connect one end of a USB cable to your PC.
3. While holding the volume up button pressed, connect the other end of
   the USB cable to your Xperia.
4. After this you should see the blue LED lit on Xperia, and it will be
   ready for flashing

Press any key to continue . . .
MD5SUM 'ed5a809dc0024d83cbab4fb9933d598d' match for file 'AdbWinApi.dll'.
MD5SUM '0e24119daf1909e398fa1850b6112077' match for file 'AdbWinUsbApi.dll'.
MD5SUM 'b84cf5d3dc1747787281ff0d2c31d2ae' match for file 'fastboot.exe'.
MD5SUM '24b349ffd7c68f1d2e89156b9dbec976' match for file 'flash-on-windows.bat'.

Searching a compatible device...

The device is unlocked for the flashing process. Continuing..

The system cannot find the drive specified.

Found 'SW_binaries_for_Xperia_AOSP_M_MR1_3.10_v13_loire.img' that will be used as vendor image. Continuing..
MD5SUM 'f0b286dd45ca2b74b26a627a31dd9a8f' match for file 'hybris-boot.img'.

C:\Users\ghett\OneDrive\Desktop\Sailfish_OS-Jolla->fastboot.exe -s QV710PSD1T flash boot hybris-boot.img
Sending 'boot_a' (12174 KB)                        OKAY [  0.295s]
Writing 'boot_a'                                   OKAY [  0.054s]
Finished. Total time: 0.365s
MD5SUM 'fb143b8b3f8c1b77e6995173cc5f237b' match for file 'fimage.img001'.

C:\Users\ghett\OneDrive\Desktop\Sailfish_OS-Jolla->fastboot.exe -s QV710PSD1T flash system fimage.img001
Sending 'system_a' (554056 KB)                     OKAY [ 13.340s]
Writing 'system_a'                                 OKAY [  0.004s]
Finished. Total time: 13.511s
MD5SUM '077b92649d401e6c80a08b92bc97f29f' match for file 'sailfish.img001'.

C:\Users\ghett\OneDrive\Desktop\Sailfish_OS-Jolla->fastboot.exe -s QV710PSD1T flash userdata sailfish.img001
Sending sparse 'userdata' 1/2 (785734 KB)          OKAY [ 19.111s]
Writing 'userdata'                                 OKAY [  0.003s]
Sending sparse 'userdata' 2/2 (287624 KB)          OKAY [ 14.618s]
Writing 'userdata'                                 OKAY [  0.002s]
Finished. Total time: 44.848s

C:\Users\ghett\OneDrive\Desktop\Sailfish_OS-Jolla->fastboot.exe -s QV710PSD1T boot fastboot.img
Sending 'boot.img' (170 KB)                        OKAY [  6.964s]
Booting                                            FAILED (remote: 'unknown command')
fastboot: error: Command failed

ERROR: Failed to execute 'fastboot.exe -s QV710PSD1T boot fastboot.img'.


Please go to https://forum.sailfishos.org/ and ask for guidance.

Press any key to continue . . .

Why do you use old sf version? What os have you tried before? Have you changed partition scheme? May be restore vbmeta first, but try another system and other usb ports before…

that’s the one i am getting when i download it. what do you mean by changed partition scheme?

Sorry my fault, i read wrong version. Some distros change partition scheme and you can even change on sailfish recovery, just a question.

do you have some link with info on the partition scheme?

Not at the moment. I only remember once i could not flash because of wrong partition scheme.

Sometimes there have been conflicting environment variables defined on Windows computers.

The console printout above shows how three “fastboot flash” commands have succeeded but then the 4th command “fastboot boot” has failed. Would there be a ‘boot’ variable defined somewhere?

How many times have you tried to flash the phone? Perhaps the 4th or 5th attempt would work?

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A way to avoid this @jovirkku is to add this to the flashing script, see the answer from stackoverflow.

@jlnsrk add this to the flash-on-windows.bat file setlocal on the first line and endlocal on the last line.


In the topic title you wrote xperia 10, but the the serial number says f5122, which is the xperia x.

xperia x != xperia 10 (unlike apple :slight_smile: )

it seems to me like you downloaded the wrong sailfish image. Also the vendor image from sony might be wrong. Afaik it should be ganges


Thanks for this tip.