[Fixed] Pure-maps aarc64 MapTiler get 403? (MapTiler Api Key)


In my new xz2c, when I start pure-maps, I’m getting a 403 to work with maptiler, (I added osm scout server, and that works fine) I look in my old xa2, I never configured anything for maptiler and it worked out of the box.

Somebody has any idea, did you wish I try to run from cli, and get the logs of the application?


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That’s an expected side-effect of Pure Maps being used by many. Monthly quota has expired for MapTiler and you get errors due to that. I suggest to register personal API keys in the providers that you want to use. That would make you able to use the service as much as you want.

See Pure Maps settings for inserting your API keys


Ok, I was going to do that, but I didn’t get the time.


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