First comment on the new Sailfish OS Forum

I’ve been using discobot for a while. So glad everyone is moving towards this!!! Can’t wait to see more discussions here :slight_smile:


Is it not possible to dislike topics/questions or am I missing something?


I am wondering if old topics will be ported somehow, but a clean cut might also be a good choice.


Old topics from TJC will be migrated to the new forum later. Expected timeframe is within the next months. Until that the TJC will be open for discussing the already existing topics.


While there are some interesting guides and discussions in TJC there are so many stuff that are old and irrelevant that something like that seems like a bad idea.

And having a new start is a good way to filter all the unneeded stuff. The good stuff will be migrated by the users that need them.


I agree that the approach of a fresh start sounds interesting and I’m pretty sure we can create a win-win scenario here. The TJC still has a lot of information that is valuable as well. Having it as an archive of information has value. I think we can migrate the data here so that it will not take anything away from the fresh start.


We can keep it as read only until this place gets up to speed. Nobody cares about sfos 1.x issues anymore, or whatever design issues we had prior to sfos 3.x etc. And even bug related topics -like the papercuts- are so cluttered and messed up in TJC that personally i wouldn’t like to have the topic here in the way it was in TJC.

The guides are always welcome obviously -and an appropriate section will be more than welcome- but those can be migrated even manually without the clutter.

Its like throwing away unneeded stuff from your home. It always feels nice and fresh.


Hey ApB,
sounds like you are female? :wink:

I always end up a week or few months later to have exactly the need for some stuff I never used for years but would need exactly now and it was not there anymore. :frowning:

But having the old TJC as stuff as read-only soundsb like sense! (even there are LOTS of still (7y) ongoing bug reports and feature requests)


Some weeks ago, I was skimming Fedora’s forum and thought: That would be a good software for SailfishOS. :wink:
I like it, and it is an huge improvement.


Indeed. used to be an askbot forum like TJC.

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@maajussi I didn’t notice early enough that there are plans to migrate content from TJC and prematurely moved over some bug report - sorry! But I’d agree with @peterleinchen and @ApB that having TJC as an archive would perfectly suffice!


Several upstream projects I work with, such as ManageIQ and Foreman, also use Discourse. I’m glad to see Sailfish OS using this forum platform as well :slight_smile:


Hi all!
Just wanted to share my good thoughts on this new iniciative, to congratulate all the team behind and thank them for their efforts!
Keep up the good work! I’m looking forward to see where my favorite mobile OS can reach!


My first experiences -1 - When typing a post, the text box is in a separate layer at the bottom of the screen, and doesn’t pop up, so the keyboard hides it the whole time.2 - Works normally with SF browser, but gives an error about outdated browser with any others, (even on one Android browser).3 - When signing in for the first time, my TJC user and pwd were automatically filled in, but I was registered as a new user, and when I attempted to post my first post, I got my account temporarily disabled(?)


Fortunately have gained some experience of Discourse from Fairphone forum, otherwise would be feeling a bit out of my depth. I am sure that there is similar resource to be found here although not found it yet, but this helped me at first:


So, really helpful your link was not. Or did I miss something?
And discobot I failed to follow when he said he cannot see bookmarks but indeed I bookmarked his post and found it in my ‘profile’.

But indeed everything is better than askbot! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for moving away from Askbot to Discourse. I personally hated TJC as it was hard to find new replies added and all the important stuff that might be hidden in a comment. A linear time-based bulletin board like this one is the right choice. Modern, friendly, REST-API – we developers will be happy to create a new FSO app :slight_smile:


This forum is an excellent idea. I think it’ll prove to be of great value.

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Are there any account configuration options anywhere within the site?? I guess someone needs to be a naysayer and I don’t like it. This is one of those web UI’s that I call “the endless web page”. Threads scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll…until theoretically your device runs out of memory and crashes. Who in their right mind thinks that’s a good idea?? If there is a thread with 200 replies, does that mean every time I want to read reply 201, 202, etc. that I must load everything post that came before it? Completely wasteful.

I am happy that the UI doesn’t seem to stall when I disable Javascript. But another site (which I don’t read anymore) would degrade to a paginated UI without Javascript, which doesn’t appear to be the case here.



If it’s like Mozilla’s Discourse forum, no. If the first new post is 200 it starts there. If you then scroll up it loads more at the top.
I think, but don’t know, that as you scroll and load more posts it ‘throws away’ posts at the other end.