Firewall rule ignored (LOG target w/ parameters)

I have added the following rules to my firewall (/etc/connman/firewall.conf):

IPv4.INPUT.RULES = -j DROP; -m limit --limit 5/minute --limit-burst 10 -j LOG --log-prefix "INPUT-DROP: "; -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT; -i lo -j ACCEPT

It seems like --log-prefix flag makes the rule ignorable to the parser. If I remove it, the rule is added to ConnMan. Otherwise the second rule is dismissed. Any ideas why?

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I’m suspecting it’s to do with the quotes.

Try using one of:

  • single quotes
  • backslash-escaped double quotes
  • backslash-escaping the space and using no quotes at all

Another possible, more likely reason: the LOG target is not supported by the kernel.

On my device, SFOS with kernel 4.9.213, the config shows the following:

root@device # zcat /proc/config.gz  | grep TARGET  | grep LOG

So try using -j NFLOG instead of -j LOG. Note that nflog needs an nflog group set as well as the prefix, so you’ll ave to figure out which ones work.
In general:

iptables --foo --stuff -j NFLOG --nflog-group 2 --nflog-prefix "IPTABLES-LOG: "

Thank you for the answers.
Unfortunately any of your suggestions concerning on quotes did not work.

The LOG target is mentioned in Jolla’s documentation about the firewall, so I assume it should be supported. But I will try NFLOG too.

Based on testing, --log-level parameter causes the same behavior. So, do any of the parameters of LOG target work?

This rule works

IPv4.INPUT.RULES = -j DROP; -m limit --limit 5/minute --limit-burst 10 -j LOG; -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT; -i lo -j ACCEPT

But, for example, this does not

IPv4.INPUT.RULES = -j DROP; -m limit --limit 5/minute --limit-burst 10 -j LOG --log-level info --log-prefix "INPUT-DROP: "; -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT; -i lo -j ACCEPT