[Finnish] AppSupport page on the Settings app has faulty language

The Finnish translation on Settings - System - Android AppSupport works awkwardly. All the announced states of the AppSupport are not working properly with the “AppSupport on” sentence base, because there are verbs in different forms all mixed up:

AppSupport on käynnistyy
AppSupport on käynnissä
AppSupport on pysähtyy
AppSupport on pysähtynyt

I would suggest to drop “on” from the base sentence and to add it to the variable part as needed, to make it:

AppSupport käynnistyy
AppSupport on käynnissä
AppSupport pysähtyy
AppSupport on pysähtynyt


Yes, definitely. I agree with you.

Thank you for reporting. I’ll file a bug about this.

The same problem affects Swedish:

  • AppSupport är kör
  • AppSupport är stoppar
  • AppSupport är startar

An additional point,

to my ear “AppSupport on pysähtynyt” is not the best Finnish expression for the non-running state of AppSupport. Maybe it should be “ei ole käynnissä” as this non-running state probably is the current active preference of the user.

This passive-like past particible “on pysähtynyt” suggests that AppSupport was running but that is then has somehow malfunctioned and stopped on its own against the hopes and wishes of the user. Even the more active “on pysäytetty” would be better, in my opinion.


Feel free to propose changes https://translate.sailfishos.org/

I usually find the string logical id checked as I use them as well. Nonetheless, the search field at the end of the page.

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