Thank you @ichthyosaurus and @fingus !
So I will try to install the WebDAV thing and hope that i can mount my OwnCloud and NextCloud volumes in the Volla’s and Xperia 10’s file system and have the content available if network connection is up and running. But I want nothing to be copied on the phones poor memory except some single files I manually copy on the phone. For me that’s one of the main purposes of a netdrive, beside others, e.g. team working…
My private ‘NAS’ in the home LAN is a simple thing. I use a dedidated Xperia 10 (the ‘Gateway’ phone) as main internet gateway with VPN and Tethering/Mobile access point. So I want to use this phones SD-card as local NAS ‘by the way’. That’s my aim. To access this, currently I need sftp, or is it possible to install a WebDAV server on a Xperia 10? If yes, i could try to get familiar with existing solutions for accessing WebDAV and the File Browser + sftp problem would be resolved by a bookmark to the mountpoint.
edit: I followed the steps 1-8 and on Xperia 10 i could successfully establish a connection to a Nextcloud account. List, copy from server and copy to server works fine! In File Browser I made bookmarks for the mountpoints and so I’m happy now!
Remaining question is only, will this also work on the Volla, (because of 64 bit)?
Edit: it worked only short time, now if I mount as devel-su it still works fine, but works no more as defaultuser. id command still shows membership in 1009(mount) group for defaultuser.
now as defaultuser it reports:
defaultuser@Xperia10-DualSIM .davfs2]$ mount /home/defaultuser/mnt/cloud
/sbin/mount.davfs:/home/defaultuser/.davfs2/davfs2.conf:22: unbekannte Option
[defaultuser@Xperia10-DualSIM .davfs2]$
This occured after i proceeded to step 9 and wanted to store the authentication information at the end of the ‘~/.davfs2/secrets’ file. (meanwhile removed)
What does the error message mean? How can I fix it again?