Feedback on Jolla C2

It’s all a matter of muscle memory :grinning:

I can enter my 26 digit code in under 10 seconds now.


Nice feedbak indeed. I haven’t used Xperia with sailfish OS and was disappointed to the poor performance of the browser. I thought the browser was too outdated so too slow to render modern websites.

Is the browsing slow because the browser SW is poor or that the C2 has a weak CPU?

I would say there is already room for optimization because, on some days, the same websites are super smooth, while on other days, the scrolling stutters. I don’t know what causes this, but it shows that this is not weak hardware but rather a problem in the software somewhere, which can be fixed. Knowing that, I can live with it.

I noticed it is sometimes caused by a swap/zram being too agressive. Try issuing swapoff as root when you experience a slowdown. Imho with 8gb on c2 it could be deactivated for most use cases.

As I mentioned in this post, I had already turned off the swapping early on, but the slowdowns still occur sometimes, so there must be another cause.

The C2 is a LTE phone and lacks a 5G modem.

However, for me it is not critical at all. I do not see any real technical advantage for such a phone to operate in 5G or 4G, except for the fancy 5G logo on the screen.

For a normal smartphone, 5G does not make a real difference over 4G. It’s more a marketing strategy.
(PS: I work on this field…)


Yeah, 5G doesn’t make sense on the phone over 4g but can cause planes to crash.

5G causing more problems than it’s worth but somebody needs to make a lot of money

Do others also experience a massive and fast drop of the last ~10-12 % of battery. For me it feels like bad calibrated. Can i somehow make force the C2 to calibrate the battery levels?

For Telekom in Germany nevertheless the “phone” part of the C2 is much better from my experience than with the XIII that often did not end calls well or was occasionally not or very late ringing etc. Never experienced that with the C2 yet.


Yes, for me this starts at ~15%. SFOS shutdown then very fast within minutes with a long warning tone, even when not used in standby.

And when reaching 100% its still charging for ~37 Minutes until its done.

So there seem to be a calibration shift.

Edit: Added on 30.1.2025

Here are my measurement



So in my case it seems displayed 15% Battery is in reality ~5% and 100% maybe 90-95%.

Edit: Added 04.02.2025

Today the Charging at 100% was done correctly (current cutoff when reaching 100%), so i assume there was something like a calibration. But i will observe this further.


German magazine c’t has a (not so positive) review of the C2: Smartphone Jolla C2 mit Mobil-Linux Sailfish OS 5 im Test

The final verdict reads

Das Jolla C2 ist bestenfalls etwas für Hardcorefans, die sich an der Weiterentwicklung beteiligen wollen. Die Hardware ist enttäuschend. Der Preis von 299 Euro ist für diese schmale Ausstattung happig, zumal das baugleiche Telefon mit Android bei Onlinehändlern in der Türkei für fast ein Drittel erhältlich ist. War Sailfish OS früher als Alltagssystem für Liebhaber tauglich, taugt es jetzt bestenfalls für Puristen oder Sammler von Kuriositäten.

in English:

The Jolla C2 is at best something for hardcore fans who want to participate in further development. The hardware is disappointing. The price of 299 euros is steep for such a small feature set, especially as the identical phone with Android is available from online retailers in Turkey for almost a third of the price. While Sailfish OS used to be suitable as an everyday system for enthusiasts, it is now at best suitable for purists or collectors of curiosities.

The last sentence hurts the most - and I tend to disagree because from my perspective SFOS beomes more and more suitable as a daily driver. In fact since more then two years I completly rely on SFOS.


The writer must be totally illiterate in IT. Well most of the world are.


The review is heavily biased. He compares Data-Kraken-OS with FreedomOS. :laughing:


I mean usual phone users won’t like using the c2. For 300 Euros you can get a pretty fast android phone and there are many apps not properly working on the c2 like instagram or youtube.
Even I as an “enthusiast” am daily driving an android phone (I hope to switch to the C2, when app support supoorts mobile data) .

I really love that Jolla is still keeps going after all those years and I will probaply buy the subscription to support the developement. I also like that there is now a possibility to buy a phone with SF OS preinstalled.
This was the reason why after all those years of watching news about sf os and other alternative mobile oses i finally decided to buy the C2 as my first sailfish os smartphone. So im very glad that the C2 exists and i would buy it again.


Mobile data support for android apps has been added on! …if you’re willing to use an early access build

I haven’t seen many complains yet, and in my experience it’s pretty much as stable as the current stable build


I am on .55 but android works only with wifi for me

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Have you tried to restart Appsupport?
iirc that should fix it, but it never happened to me so can’t confirm

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meecast should be working fine; i need test the event view , but the the simple app working .

Great . thank you

Hi folks, I’m interesting to buy C2. What is camera like? There are any problems with battery, applications and signal?