Fastboot flashing of Xperia 10 IV and 10 V

The initial installation (flashing) of Sailfish OS is done according to the instructions in the Jolla Shop. This is based on using the flashing script in a similar way to the earlier Xperia phones. The script is included in the downloadable zip package.

There is, however, a problem (in OS version with the subsequent flashing of Xperia 10 IV and Xperia 10 V phones: flashing them the 2nd (3rd,…) time does not work with the flashing script. Instead, the following set of manual commands shall be used - invoke them in your Sailfish directory:

$ fastboot devices
$ fastboot flash boot_a hybris-boot.img
$ fastboot flash boot_b hybris-boot.img
$ fastboot flash dtbo_a dtbo.img
$ fastboot flash dtbo_b dtbo.img
$ fastboot flash userdata sailfish.img001
# Take only one of the next two commands, depending on your phone!
$ fastboot flash oem_a *_v3a_murray.img   ## for Xperia 10 IV (XQ-CC54)
$ fastboot flash oem_a *_v3a_zambezi.img  ## for Xperia 10 V (XQ-DC54)
$ fastboot reboot

Alternatively, revert the phone to Android with the Emma flashing tool and install Sailfish OS with the flashing script in the normal way.


I’d give it a try now that there is a Sailfish 5 image.
Has anyone experienced with flashing over Android 15 on Xperia 10 V? I tend to dare trying.
The instructions refer the v3a Sony binaries from June, but v5a is also out since November. In know from the other topic, that in general v5a has more issues than v3a, however, I’m assuming those were installed over stock Android 13 or 14, as 15 has only came out recently.
Is there a chance that v5a binaries might perform better if installed over Android 15? Or there’s no connection?

It’s sad, that not more is known or that the ones in the know don’t share the knowledge :confused:

I wouldn’t put my hopes into v5a. The image still seems to be work in progress.

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I have flashed SFOS over Android 15 on my Xperia 10 V (XQ-DC72 model).

I have not come across any problems so far. (But it is not my daily driver, still using Xperia 10 III.)


Great, which image (version) did you use please?
And is there a chance that sailfish will work better if installed after Android15? more recent firmware or so ?

This is what is in my flashing directory:

-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 181M Feb  2 15:46
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 845M Feb  2 15:46

I can’t comment on whether it will work better since I have not used the other versions.


Great thank you, and did the OTA upgrade to go smoothly?

Yes. (20 characters)

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I did the same, flashed the 4.6 and OTA to everything went smoothly, waiting for the camera support to switch it as main device :crossed_fingers: