Factory reset or reinstall Sailfish Browser

Is it possible to factory reset Sailfish Browser or reinstall it so it can have a fresh start? I have had strange issues with search engines and searching since I upgraded SFOS to and would like to get rid of them.

So far I have tried removing ~/.local/share/org.sailfishos/browser folder and restarting device afterwards, but the problems persist. Command pkcon install --allow-reinstall sailfish-browser does not help either.

Is a full system factory reset the only way? Hard to believe…
Thank you for any help.

I would follow steps from Restore ESR 78 flypig’s procedure. You have to check current and change accordingly packages version.

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For testing proposes just use a second user. Add a new user and log in as that one … this will setup a clean user/home environment.

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Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately the problems occur also with the newly created user.