Extract Sony Camera APK's from Android 11 X10iii

Open Camera 1.51.1 on all Settings sub-pages fail to render for some reason. Android back button still works, so app doesn’t completely hang.

Tried restarting everything but problem persists.

Anyone else experiencing this?

(Fortunately Camera2 API toggle is on main page.)

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sometimes when you rotate the screen, it updates the opencamera settings display. if you rotate it a few times, you can see where to click, even if you have to visually remember it when you rotate back.
OR you can edit the prefs and uri grants in the terminal.

i edit opencamera prefs to use camera2 and set save location to sdcard with a script that works something like this:

  • get root
  • calculate SAF URI of the folder and sdcard uuid you want to use
    • e.g.: content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/3a40d44e-582e-11ee-b39d-6fe95b3c53ab%3ADCIM%2FOpenCamera
  • edit file /home/.android/data/data/net.sourceforge.opencamera/shared_prefs/net.sourceforge.opencamera_preferences.xml
    • add or edit preference_save_location_saf
      • e.g.: <string name="preference_save_location_saf">content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/3a40d44e-582e-11ee-b39d-6fe95b3c53ab%3ADCIM%2FOpenCamera</string>
      • add or edit preference_using_saf
        • e.g.: <boolean name="preference_using_saf" value="true" />
      • add or edit preference_camera_api
        • e.g.: <string name="preference_camera_api">preference_camera_api_camera2</string>
  • edit file /home/.android/data/system/urigrants.xml
    • if empty, convert empty xml tag <uri-grants/> to <uri-grants> </uri-grants>
    • add uri grant for opencamera
      • e.g.: <uri-grant sourceUserId="0" targetUserId="0" sourcePkg="com.android.externalstorage" targetPkg="net.sourceforge.opencamera" uri="content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/3a40d44e-582e-11ee-b39d-6fe95b3c53ab%3ADCIM%2FOpenCamera" prefix="true" modeFlags="3" createdTime="1695268606158" />
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Thanks a lot for the screen rotation suggestion! It works in other apps with this problem too.