Excuse, when will SailfishOS 5.0 provide system updates for SONY XPERIA Phones?


If you know someone from Sony, ask them to speed up on their site. I’m waiting, too!

when Sony update this page :wink:

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Some of us use SFOS as daily driver.I prefer to wait longer than install some early build and make my phone unusable as C2.


Till now all the people using Sailfish OS have Sony devices starting with Xperia X and finishing with Xperia 10III. And all of the current devices in use have problems to be fixed! Instead of doing that
Jolla is creating more problematic software either for obsolete hardware device C2 or for Sony devices not ready for it.
Its been like that for 10 years and highly likely wont change.
Hopefully Russia will start selling Aurora OS devices so people escape from Android and iOS spyware.


I doubt that Russia has the economical influence to turn Aurora OS in something different than their military technologies. Maybe they’ll achieve to sell some licenses for governmental usage to their Satellites like Belarus, but broad consumer success I do doubt. …Hope I’m wrong though. :upside_down_face:

P.S. Also using Sailfish as a daily driver since the Xperia X-times. A beta-tester I prefer not to be, as for now my needs are completely met.

Need to say anyway, how much time sony will take to release this damn update?i assume that if binary blobs gets updated jolla will update the images straight away, as of course is their interest to make money

But what if sony does not update the blobs?i was just just wondering as to me it seems sony is taking this very slowly

Blobs are non-profit product for entry level phones in our case with 10 IV and V.Try to report bug or security flaw in BSD and start your counter :grinning: In most cases BSD zero day exploit in Playstation its patched up to 2 days max,while blobs are waste of time for them.Someone get paid to work on something without any profit.Thats how big corporations work nowadays.

Today you can read here:


Then I guess we’re stuck with what’s there at the moment with no expectation that it will ever get better.

The 10 III doesn’t need any new blobs, yet it still didn’t get SFOS 5.0 and they don’t even talk about it.

It is a nightmare, I am really tempted by GrapheneOS right now. This hardware situation is unsatisfying

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I’m into deep dive in maemo leste as it doesn’t need any sophisticated hardware and runs nicely on droid 4 with hardware qwerty. Not for daily use yet imo, but stable otherwise


I am also tempted by other solutions as well (currently trying out Ubuntu touch on an X3 NFC, SFOS still my daily driver), but what really troubles me is that all other solutions are free.
Especially IodeOS, /e/os, CalyxOS and GrapheneOS (tried all of them apart from GrapheneOS), which are not only free, but also based on Android (stripped down versions).

And every time I hear that a service/product is free and completely safe, I remember the saying “If you’re not paying for the product, then you are the product.”
IodeOS has actually 2 versions, paid and free.
Anyway, these guys need to profit from somewhere, and ,most possibly, this “somewhere” might be your data…

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Understand your train of thought fully and agree.

But I find the documentation of GrapheneOS convincing.
In the end, my desktop Linux is also free of charge, currently Debian, and for me it feels satisfying also from privacy perspective.


Same here, clean Debian on laptop as daily driver, with Windows 10 on VirtualBox VM for any work-related crap that might be required .

I did not say that free OS is necessarily a data hog, but it points that way and requires further investigation…

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I think it’s a huge mess… Users pay for their license and don’t get any updates. Jolla brings her cucumber c2 to the market only there are updates! It’s all just money-making! No one needs to say it’s because of Sony!

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I’m really curious - Q: What ist the purpose of the Sony Open Device program, from Sony’s point of view? Aside Jolla, to who is this targeted? Who are the other customers, using Sony?
To who targets THIS:

There must be a larger target group aside from Jolla. Who ist this, and how can they live with Sony’s long delayed edition outcome?

I ask myself, if usable AOSP versions are published only for devices no more available on the market - for what shall this be good?

edit: here

is a looong list of available binaries (Sony blobs), why is neither one usable for SFOS?

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Sorry, at login, I clicked on the wrong account before writing the post above and then saw too late…

i think maemo leste works great on the pine pro and could be daily drivable with the apps from mobian, that seem to be possible to be installed