Esim@sim: SFOS internet works, but android layer doesn't see this sim card

Got myself a esim@sim card (, - in my case).
Loaded a esim profile on android phone.
Put that sim into 10mk3.
Mobile internet in SFOS works from this sim card, but android layer doesn’t see that sim card present at all (only the 2nd slot sim card is shown in Android settings “Networks and Internet” as the only one) - so no internet from that “missing” sim card is available for android layer.

How can I debug who’s to blame?

PS how to run adb shell on SFOS 10mk3 now?

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I don’t think that Android layer should see all SIM card details. All SIM card settings should be made in SFOS and not in Android. The Android layer has Internet- or LAN access via SFOS but can’t control the network. I think that’s normal.

well you see, it ‘sees’ my Tele2 SIM2 card, but can’t see SIM1.

Any development on your fault?
Apart from the Android Support, does your data collection get established?

It did work in SFOS.
But stopped working when in roaming.

Have U done a crosscheck (put the SIM in other phone). R U sure U’ve got the data in roaming enabled by the eSIM provider?
If crosscheck ain’t working, I would suggest to contact their hotline.