So, I took systemd out of the picture to see what happens:
running the command systemd does:
sensorfwd -c=/etc/sensorfw/primaryuse.conf --log-level=warning --no-magnetometer-bg-calibration
We get:
SensorManagerError: "unknown adaptor id 'alsadaptor'"
Node ' "alssensor" ' state changed to invalid
"alssensor instantiation failed"
SensorManagerError: "sensor has not been instantiated"
SensorManagerError: "unknown adaptor id 'proximityadaptor'"
Node ' "proximitysensor" ' state changed to invalid
"proximitysensor instantiation failed"
SensorManagerError: "sensor has not been instantiated"
SensorManagerError: "requested sensor id 'alssensor' not registered"
SensorManagerError: "unknown adaptor id 'accelerometeradaptor'"
QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::propertyChanged(const QString&) to AccelerometerChain::propertyChanged(const QString&)
QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::propertyChanged(const QString&) to AccelerometerChain::propertyChanged(const QString&)
Node ' "orientationchain" ' state changed to invalid
Node ' "orientationsensor" ' state changed to invalid
"orientationsensor instantiation failed"
SensorManagerError: "sensor has not been instantiated"
The conf:
^C[root@VollaPhone ~]cat /etc/sensorfw/primaryuse.conf
accelerometeradaptor = hybrisaccelerometeradaptor
alsadaptor = hybrisalsadaptor
proximityadaptor = hybrisproximityadaptor
magnetometeradaptor = hybrismagnetometeradaptor
gyroscopeadaptor = hybrisgyroscopeadaptor
orientationadaptor = hybrisorientationadaptor
scale_coefficient = 1
transformation_matrix = "-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1"
needs_calibration = 0
transformation_matrix = "1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1"