Dropbox on Cargo Dock and Filecase

So adding Dropbox is not working with Cargo Dock due to outdated browser, and when attempted in Filecase, it just crashes. Can updates ever be expected? Is anyone planning to take over these apps? Also proton drive support would be pretty nice, if possible.

WRT Filecase this is a duplicate of Dropbox services crashes · Issue #4 · cepis-sailfishos-apps/filecase-sailfish · GitHub

I perform minimal maintenance for Filecase, but do not use Dropbox, for which Filecase became broken years ago due to an API change on the Dropbox side.

I will gladly review and merge any pull requests posed at GitHub - cepis-sailfishos-apps/filecase-sailfish: File manager for SailfishOS


So it’s impossible to add Dropbox at all, or it takes a lot of work? What about Onedrive, does it work? Does Protondrive even offer an API that can be used to add it to Filecase? I’m fine with using android apps but would prefer SF apps.

To all three questions: I have no idea. Please research that for yourself. It is FOSS: If you want it, you do it.

Okay, okay, I was just asking, not making any demands. I can’t do much anything myself apart from checking if onedrive works. I take what is offered and make a donation when I can.

But seriosly, if you want to attract more people to linux and survive among big players, some of that “do it yourself” -ideology has got to go.

I would honestly say no, i use cargo dock from back then, and it’s pretty much abandoned, so it’s very unlikely

“Du mich auch”

To anybody who is actually interested:

Plenty of solutions exist for GNU/Linux (which SFOS is too); I’m sure some are usable - either a sync solution or a filesystem type that can be mounted, etc. iiRC rclone is the swiss army knife. The openrepos version is pretty old; my guess is it’s possible to install a newer outside package management.

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It is, you can use the arm/aarch64 rpms from the rclone home page.

Usually not recommended on Linux, but that binary is bitch to build ftom src.


Sure you can, e.g., write a proper bug report at the source code repository (here for FileCase rsp. add info to the extant issue report) instead of dropping a generic message in this general SailfishOS forum.

There are many ways to contribute to Free / Open Source Software, besides writing program code.

In this specific case you might research the API changes Dropbox did years ago and how other Free Software written in C++ was adapted to this change: It may be just a matter of copying a few lines of code to resolve this issue.

I take what is offered and make a donation when I can.

  • At least you openly define yourself as a scrounger; that is honest and sincere!
  • I am not interested in donations, I am interested in contributions (see also below).

But seriosly, if you want to attract more people to linux and survive among big players, some of that “do it yourself” -ideology has got to go.

I do neither want or have to “survive among the big players”, I even do not want to “attract more people to linux”. But I do want to spend some spare time on other things than maintaining Free Software!

You seem to have a fundamental misconception here: Everybody who contributes to Free Software in her / his / its spare time does that, because they want a specific software to thrive: It is all about DIY and not at all ideological.

Furthermore, Free Software usually does not lack users, but always lacks contributors.

P.S.: Please name me a reason, why I should spend my spare time to resolve your issue, if you do not even ask nicely and are not willing to contribute in a suitable manner.

Dropbox on cargo dock is working ok for me, i do not think i’ve added the service from settings, instead i have copied .config cargo dock folder from the old device.


I see multiple issues come together

  • Companies decide to change their API’s/end-user licenses once again, breaking stuff
  • Most experienced/talented/low level/original developers have left the Jolla boat
  • “Hobby” developers remaining mostly stick to creating to-do-list app number 5 of 6, or some small/easy fixes on existing apps.

Same applies to me. I still maintain Kodimote for example (one of the large amount of abandoned apps) and did some bug-fixes/improvements and even made a few small API change fixes. But it is not code I created, so changing it is not that straightforward. As soon as major API changes will happen in Kodi I will throw in the towel. This app is not that important to me, and a second kodi app was also created. But no idea if that project is still alive. A web app or android app or even a cli tool could help out as a last resort. Avoiding 3rd party API’s (especially closed source/commercial) may prevent likely pain later.


Cargo Dock can be easily fixed by changing silicawebview to the current webengine

(at least I assume the rest of login will proceed nicely)
Yeah it works, replace your OAuthDialog.qml file with this: import QtQuick 2.0import Sailfish.WebView 1.0import Sailfish.WebEngine 1.0 - Pastebin.com


That escalated quickly. Be nice to each other.

Here to confirm that Sailfish’s send-to-Dropbox function works.

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Thank you. Though I regret bringing this up.

Thanks @throwaway69, for the fix.
I can imagine that one or the other wonders where that qml file is located, so here is the path



Cheers, don’t worry, if you didn’t bring it up it would most likely have died of old age on github

I am not aware that anybody stated that. But if you define yourself as a mere user, then do just that: use

But it is you who have a misconception here, I was not asking you to do anything. I was merely asking if you or someone else knew if something was even possible to begin with.

You were clearly asking me three questions in response to my initial reply, hence you did ask me to research and answer your questions. Please stick to the truth.

And I did ask nicely, what do you want to see me begging?

No, but to comprehend how things work for non-commercial Free Software instead of rambling some nonsense about «that “do it yourself” -ideology has got to go» and «But it is you who have a misconception here».

] you are an arrogant asshole, I was not offending you in any way and yet you call me a scrounger.

I merely translated your words «I can’t do much anything myself apart from checking if onedrive works. I take what is offered [
]« into common language, because you sure could do more (as I pointed out), but you simply do not want to. Which is fine, as long as you do not ask a whole lot of quite specific questions and refrain from making derogative statements about the mindset of spare time developers, whose software you use. Hence you were indeed offending me, but I did not really care about this aspect, until you now call me »an arrogant asshole«. Please reconsider to whom of us two this applies.

P.S.: To answer a technical question you keep recurring to: «I was merely asking if you or someone else knew if something was even possible to begin with.». As this is about software features, which became broken by API changes, the answer is: Always, it is just a matter of effort.

Can this fix be used for other apps with broken old webview?

If the native browser is not triggering the ‘too old’ popup, yeah (then you can also try to tweak useragent headers, but that won’t fool all of them, then of course are services that use cloudflare ‘intelligent’ captchas that are a lost cause)

Looks like dropbox no longer provides long-lived tokens and the app would need a rewrite to request offline access type with refresh tokens that are then used to request the short-lived tokens
 (I guess this also explains why dropbox integration is so short lived in sfos and requires relogs) It’s enough to change desktop file to:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Cargo Dock
Exec=invoker --type=generic sh -c "exec /home/defaultuser/cargodock.sh"

And drop a cargodock.sh file in home with:

sed -i /token/d /home/defaultuser/.config/harbour-cargodock/CargoDock.conf

(also ‘chmod +x cargodock.sh’ to make it executable)
This removes the token line from config after exit, triggering the relog and fetching of fresh token on next start (or you can just re-add a service but this seems faster)