Docker based build environment: images available

For those hitting limitations of SB2 (@piggz have had many recently), it is possible to use docker/podman to build the projects. I have updated the corresponding container generation scripts and container images are now packaged at

Those images don’t use SB2 at all and run in the same arch as your target. So, all you have to do is to make sure that you can run binaries of the target arch and you could use these images in your projects (there is a setup guild for QEMU in the README).

There is one interesting use for these images already in the relation to CI. As some CI providers have Aarch64 runners, you can build your packages natively. Example build:

OBS: As SB2 has relatively large number of bugs that we tend to hit with the larger projects (recent Qt, for example), it makes sense to target native builds at OBS. Ideally, we should have Aarch64 runners available at community OBS and build without SB2 at all. I think that would accelerate platform development.

Docker base environment was introduced here earlier at Docker based build environment: simulating native builds