Even if we leave the Hardware situation aside (which is a major issue with SFOS) the SW side of things is really problematic due to Jollas lack of (or resistance to) updates in certain areas of the OS that are needed for a functional phone.
Certain areas are out of their control (ie kernel) but others should have been fixed a long time ago. From my POV the compositor fucked up SFOS more than any other component in it and the lack of updates continues to limit it.
Of course jollas direction is to make money and i trully believe that their venture in automotive could have also improved the phone SW (cars in-car entertainment systems now are like big tablets) but that hasn’t happened yet.
Also the limitation on the store and how much the community can get involved in fixing certain areas also make SFOS less good than it can be. (localization is still problematic)
I don’t have any thoughts on the AI stuff jolla is doing lately but i cant see how they can bring more value to a phone OS that is limited already.
hope things get better soon.