Db navigator not starting

Since their latest rework of the app it is not starting anymore. Did someone already spent time to investigate this?

My db navigator is starting despite being up to date. I just checked

They recently replaced it with DB Next Gen since version 24.1. I had DB Next Gen in use for some time and have no problems now with the new version. I had to log in again, but this is a feature.

But it says there will be an update soon. Very bad, db navigator is essential for me

Is the app still spyware? There was a German talk about that on YouTube

Fahrplan is your friend (ducks and runs.)

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It is, there is a lawsuit pending.

I like Fahrplan, but it can’t buy tickets

Nor show the deutschlandticket… Which is appearantly only visible in the app…

Ah you can add the deutschlandticket via abo.bahn.de and access it via the browser

Ah, I’m one of those people with the plastic card thingy. I was thinking of crowd sourced controller warnings :slight_smile:

After twice having been unable to log in (just recently, some update), my GF just took a snapshot of the QR code and shows that when controlled. But, I think you have to have the App to even buy the online version?

But I have to admit, the purchasing part is probably used by many more people than I would imagine. That’s simply a factor of my not doing ANYTHING money with my phone. Except tabulating the expenses.

I have a digital Deutschlandticket from hvv which I was able to store in PassViewer app. Everything works, also the update. Very nice.

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By the time the Onlinezugangsgesetz 4.0 is implemented in Germany, at the latest, even the DB (or provincial transport associations like theMDV) will no longer want to afford the plastic card. Until then, I’ll make good use of it and dutifully take my photo ID out of my pocket when the controller arrives.

Crowd sourced controller alerts would certainly not be wrong either, but with the market penetration of SFOS, they would be as accurate as the plan for a sufficient pension by predicting lottery numbers.

I updated the navigator today. Funny thing is that I got two app icons now. One in the folder where i had it before and one at the end of the list…

now it does start again…


Here you can read about some tracking inside DB-Navigator. Or about transmitting your data to Adobe.

Deutsche Bahn announced the end of the Bahncard as a plastic card. New Bahncards are now available only as part of the DB-Navigator. In german this is called “App-Zwang”, when you can’t use public service w/o an app.

Friends were visiting and reported not being able to travel a part of the way because it was only possible to board the train if you could pay with an app (they were on the platform because of a connection that failed to turn up because of flooding). I was flabbergasted. I was a proponent of public transport. But, not like this. There are easily at least a million people (60+ mostly) excluded from the service since they do not have a ‘smart phone’. Time for a Constitutional challenge. EDIT: correction approx. 25% the over sixties in Germany do not have a smart phone. That’s 4 million people.


There are initiatives trying to fight this.

for example. (Link in German.)


I was thinking more in the direction of Unsere Strategie - GFF – Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte e.V. Also in German for obvious reasons.