Dark Theme for Sailfish

May I plug my app here, which should make it more convenient to create dark, and other, themes.

Latest version can export and install packages too.



I’ll install and give it a go when got a little bit more free time. The black & white one was just very quick to get started with. There is bit of a learning curve installing a new OS. :blush:

Can ambiances be created with animation out of curiosity? If so is there any documentation?

I saw references to an animated ambiance patch but haven’t been able to find it or any info

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Yes they can and no, there is no documentation. Limitations originally were dictated by Jolla1’s hardware or rather lack of resources within.

I found a way to have animated wallpapers but at great CPU and RAM cost, not to mention the preparation of each ambience that will be animated, meaning I had to make ambience packages, that was after shrinking/fiddling with EVERY GIF I ever found to get usable frame rates, so a lot of buggering around in photoshop…you see where I’m going with this?

The patch you speak of was also my doing, but along with all the crap animated ambiences I came up with, I removed it all as hardly anyone was interested at the time and quite honestly, most animations are quite boring to look at after a few times…ultimately, a waste of time, at least for me.

Lipstick, the graphics controller, has no code present to allow GIF’s to animate, so this has to be added, playing with Lipstick can be fraught with problems and often leads to a nice solid white flashing screen, which is not always easy to recover from. It’s just not worth the hassle.


Off topic I know, but since you are knowledgeable on lipstick, any ideas on how to get hdmi output working with it? Running a community port on hardware that is capable of hdmi out on android, but on Sailfish, nada.

  1. I am well aware it would require changes to the compositor. Did you notice how I asked someone who had done changes to the compositor his thoughts?

  2. You provided a link to a thread about the Sony phones which inherently dont support hdmi out. Did you bother reading what I wrote? My phone does support it.

  3. There have been patches is the 2.0 version range that enable that capability

Me too. Whished the browser was dark too, or dark blue,or dark grey, that we could choose colours.Often screen.are too bright especially in the evening.


Hello Edz - Could you send me the patch for animated Wallpaper please. I will also test some one with it. I loved and missed the old MeeGo star sky backround from my good old N9 :sleepy:… thx in advance.

The patch as it is not relevant to current devices as the file that got patched no longer exists in current devices.

Moreover, you should try adding an “@” before a users name in order for us to see your message, hence I’m replying 9 months later.