Hey everyone,
I came across the Brax3:
It’s an affordable (300$ preorder) & privacy-centered smartphone.
The hardware seems to be quite solid - I don’t know much about processors, but the MediaTek processor has been chosen because Brax has been allowed to inspect the source code of the SoC. And features like headphone jack, dual sim/ sd-card slot or easy repairability (at least 6 years of spare parts) are points that are very important to me. And because the phone is already way more than fully funded, the targeted shiping in March could work out well.
But whats probably most important for porting is open software and drivers. The phone will be released with IodéOS, a UbuntuTouch port will follow soon™ and Brax have stated theyd support porting efforts as far as they can. Currently they mainly have Android custom ROMs in mind (like this /e/OS thread: BraX3 Privacy Phone - Request a Device - /e/OS community) but probably worth to rech out to them - guess theyd be open towards a Sailfish port.
Brax would probably be faster with providing sources than Sony…
No idea how realistic a port is (also considering capacity at Jolla) - so far the phone is not completely ready (timeline on Indiegogo) and therefore no code has been made public. But keeping it on the radar might be worth it either way.
I have ordered a device and would be happy to help with testing