Community meeting on 3rd October 2024

Schedule: Thursday 2024-10-03T07:00:00Z   :world_map: :date:

Topic proposals for the meeting:

  • Add your name/nick using the template below to suggest a topic.
  • Indicate how much time you’ll need so we can time-box the meeting accordingly.
  • Please be as thorough as you can with your question/topic.
  • If you can’t make the meeting please ask and name a substitute.

It is expected that you show up and present your topic, or name a substitute and make sure they attend in your absence. These IRC meetings are for real time participation and live discussions, otherwise you can post the topic on here and get responses that way.

We need you to be present to clarify details in the topic, and to ensure the discussion is leading to the answers you are looking for! If you do not participate or your question/topic isn’t clear enough it will be postponed. Also: always ask for more time than you anticipate your topic needs!

Please have your topics ready at least 3 days before the meeting so we can prepare good answers. Topics announced afterwards will be postponed to the next meeting.

Template for topic proposal: (post your topic proposals as comments to this forum topic).

  • Name/IRC nick:
  • Topic:
  • Some details about the topic:
  • Approx. time needed:
  • Substitute (optional):

Open Pull Requests:
If you have, or know of, a pull request that’s been open for at least 3 weeks, but which you think deserves attention, please add a comment using the template below and we’ll consider it during the next meeting.

  • Name/IRC nick:
  • Open PR URL:
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Name/IRC nick: dcaliste

Topic: rewriting of QtMobility plugin providing an engine for QtOrganizer based on mKCal

Some details about the topic: like QtContacts used in Sailifsh OS, QtPim (long heir of QtMobility) provides a module to deal with events and todos : QtOrganizer. It provides an API and QML bindings to handle calendar items. It can use several backends for storage. Old sources from QtMobility dated from Qt4.x era still have a plugin based on mKCal (the SQLite backend for calendar event used in Sailfish OS). But these sources are really out-dated, both mKCal and QtOrganizer have largely changed API since Qt4.x era. I’ve decided to rewrite the plugin, so current (or future) code using QtPim/QtOrganizer can have a well debugged SQLite backend, or even share data with an application based on nemo-qml-plugin-calendar
(like the calendar application). The new implementation can be found in this git repository. The main point of this topic is to announce the existence of this new possibility to handle calendar events and todos. While I’m still preferring to base new developments on the couple KCalendarCore/mKCal, the community meeting may be the place to discuss the pros and cons of this new possibility based on QtPim.

Approx. time needed: 5 to 15 minutes, depending if there is interest to discuss the topic, or if the announcement is just enough.

Substitute (optional): I’ll try to do my best to be present.

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